
Happy 805!!


Hi! I hope you can check out my story!
          The vengeful Eleanor Adelaide Salvacion, disguised as Adelle Rodriguez, is the nth secretary of the knave Conor Villacorta. In seek of justice for her murdered father figure, Adelle believes that Conor, the biological son of Don Salvador, is the killer. It is easy to believe so... because Conor Villacorta has anger management, family issues, and distorted reputation. 
          But as Adelle seek for evidences, all she found was Conor's true colors. And as much as the knave was enchanted, so was Adelle.


☄⁛ kyla hwas a mwessge for chu!! 
          ➣ would chu like to open? 
          【✔】                         【✘】
          ☄⁛「 Yay chu pwicked yesh!!! 」 
          [ opening mwessage ] 
          ╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
          ╰┈➤ 「 Welcwome to the Lunardune fam,  I am Captain Kyla at chu service!! 」 
          ❝ Welcome to the Cosmic shuttle lunardune!  ❞ 
          ➣ reminders for chu!!!
          ↬ chu ish loved!
          ↬ chu ish pwerfect in chu own way!
          ↬ mwe ish pwoud of chu!
          ↬ chu cwan dwo it!!
          ↬ dun gwive up!!
          ↬ 'm hwere for chu!!
          ↬ chu ish the mwost bweautiful/hwandsome person in the world!!
          ↬ chu desewve all the wuv!!
          ↬ mwe will pwotect chu!!
          ↬ mwe wont leave chu!
          ↬ mwe wont hwurt chu!
          ↬ and i pwomise to gwive chu cwuddles!! 
          ☄⁛「 and mwe ish hwere when chu nweed someone to twalk to!! 」 
          ☄⁛ and lwastly! 
          ╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
          ╰┈➤ ❝ i wub chu!! ❞ 
          Captain Kyla logging out



Hii, thanks for following my main account. I am following you back from my spare account @Sonatanvi.
          Don't unfollow later as l am giving you follow back from the spare account. 
          If possible check out my book 'Precious thoughts & quotes'. I hope you like it. 
          Take care! ☺


Good Afternoon! Thanks for the follow. Have a great day ahead! :)
          You fall, you rise you make mistakes, you live, you learn. You’re human, not perfect. You’ve been hurt, but you’re alive. Think of what precious privelige it is to be alive-to breath, to think, to enjoy, and to chase the things you love. Sometimes there is sadness in our journey, but their is also a lot if beauty. We must keep putting one foot in front of the other even when we hurt, for we will never know what is waiting around to bend. 