
          	I plan to do an Epilogue chapter being the final ending explaining everyone's final wherabouts and all, but rn I'm on a bit forced sabbatical w/o computer access (I managed to finish the last chapter before that, so I have some sort of ending to the main story by itself), so don't expect anything for a while. When it'll happen, it will happen.
          	Sorry if the ending feels a bit rushed - I've never done anything like that before. Hope the Epilogue will make up for that !


          I plan to do an Epilogue chapter being the final ending explaining everyone's final wherabouts and all, but rn I'm on a bit forced sabbatical w/o computer access (I managed to finish the last chapter before that, so I have some sort of ending to the main story by itself), so don't expect anything for a while. When it'll happen, it will happen.
          Sorry if the ending feels a bit rushed - I've never done anything like that before. Hope the Epilogue will make up for that !


Watched episode 7 and man... I wasn't even close to how things would turn out. At this point, I'll just follow my own thing with some common elements. Connecting flesh monster to anything won't do any good. I still think of my (for now - only) fic as kind of a practice and I genuelly can see my wordwork improving with every chapter. It's been a couple of months till last update - and a couple of years since the fic's start... And now I have to re-read this whole fic and cringe my way through every bad joke 'cause I forgot what's really going on. But yeah... Another chapter is coming. Idk when I'll post it, but it will be here. I'll give more info in the actual chapter. Till then - thank you for your support and being here through all this years. See you around !


@BattleDroid1106 I am aware that if you go back to my previous work to fact-check me, it looks like I'm lying through my teeth. The truth is that when I started writing Season 5, I went back to my older seasons to fact-check what I've changed, and I realized that my old work doesn't meet the standards I have raised myself to within the past few years. Which is why after I'm done with Season 5, I'm gonna do a full reboot, and start again from Season 1.
            The reason why that happened yet is mainly just life getting in the way, and writer's block.


this message may be offensive
@BattleDroid1106 Your point is perfectly valid, the only reason I said what I said is because of my specific writing style.
            Whenever I write my own fanfics, or at least come up with concepts, I like to make my ideas as much of an organic part of the world itself as possible, and I like having my own plots be intertwined with the core show's plot, instead of overwriting it.
            Which it why I said that this newest episode pretty much threw a torch to everything I came up with so far, which just personally leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
            My original idea was that when Copper 9 blew up, some of the human personnel managed to survive within vaults. Afterwards, they emerged, and during a 20 year timeskip, built a civilization by basically turning old mining equipment into the vehicles you see on the Coalition's side in Home world: Deserts of Kharak. But then, the Murder Drones arrive, and a divide is created between the people. Those who want to go home team up with the Murder Drones, while those who want to save the Worker Drones set up a resistance. By the time the Pilot starts, the whole conflict has escalated into a planet-wide all-out war.
            The problem we have here is that the whole crux of the idea was that Murder Drones were programmed to never harm humans, which is why they would usually stay back, and let the humans kill eachother, so that they can mop up the remaining Worker Drones.
            But the fact that in Episode 7, we see Murder Drones not only killing humans left and right, but fucking eating them like wild animals.
            Which means that unless they all got some sort of major malfunction once they entered the planet, the Murder Trio has no reason not to just devour the entire populus.
            I was also planning on giving J a redemption arc, but again, with the way the canon is going, that ain't happening. And that's bad because I have to come up with my own solutions, which is gonna take significantly longer. XD


@ Furia512  Honestly, it always looked like trying to follow the canon of a story that takes time to give new information was a bad idea, at least from my point of view.
            That's why for the stories I thought they didn't follow the canon at all.


I just want to say I am so, so sorry for using one of your fics comment section as a place for RP. The notifications must be annoying :/


@ Deimos85  Eh, don't worry about that. I don't mind


Is there any art of what Razzy and Rosie look like?


@ Boyc34  If by Rosie you mean Rodia, then in both cases - unfortunetly no. That one art somewhere in the fanfic was quite accidental as I saw a post on MD reddit saying that someonr will make arts of our OCs. It was a couple of months ago, though...


Replaying the legend of zelda breath of the wild - might write something about it later.
          Btw I'll try to keep active there to make you guys assured I haven't died. Stay tuned and good luck in whatever you're doing !