
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!


I was thinking of writing a story about something that happened to me when I was four. It would be a what if story but I think that the situation would shed some light on talking to strangers.
          It would be about a time when my older brother saved my younger brother and I from what we believe was a near kidnapping but instead of being smart like he was we take the offer and get in the car to get the item offered. 
          Please give me your thoughts on this. I want to make it a short story with real meaning and to teach any of the younger readers not to trust strangers as much as we do now a days.


To all that follow me. Just know that if any of you comment inappropriately in my stories you will be dealt with swiftly and cleanly. 
          I am just a little irritated with some readers. So if you are putting these kinds of comments. You have been warned.