Hey you guys, I'm currently writing a new fanfic, it's about Carl Gallagher from shameless. It's not like any other one I've read. That's why I'm writing it is because I couldn't find it to just read so I was like "well I wanna read this but no one has written it, well why don't I just write it myself so I get to choose what happens and it will be exactly how I want it"  so that's what I'm doing. I hope you guys all read it and vote for it. Also if you want, you should check out my other fanfic "You're an Oakley?" Thanks. Have a wonderful day or night


Hey you guys, I'm currently writing a new fanfic, it's about Carl Gallagher from shameless. It's not like any other one I've read. That's why I'm writing it is because I couldn't find it to just read so I was like "well I wanna read this but no one has written it, well why don't I just write it myself so I get to choose what happens and it will be exactly how I want it"  so that's what I'm doing. I hope you guys all read it and vote for it. Also if you want, you should check out my other fanfic "You're an Oakley?" Thanks. Have a wonderful day or night


Hey broskiski's I'm going to talk about how many fake people there are in the world these days. I honestly barley have any true friends left. 2 of them the other day started calling me ugly and fat and stuff like that and all of my other friends have said stuff about me behind my back. It's honestly so hard to trust people these days. Also my mom apparently thinks I'm having sex or something like that just because I haven't started my period yet. I mean come on I'm only 13 and u think I've had sex. Apparently my mom thinks I'm a slut. But that's also what some girl called me the other day. I'm honestly just done with people. Life is overrated. I'm done. Peace out. Ttyl 


I just finished my first chapter of my new book!!!!!! You don't even know how excited I am!!! Please go check it out it would mean a lot to me!!! It's called "what if you could change the world"  I love it so far!!!!!! Oh and you should check out my fanfic about Tyler Oakley's sister! Thanks!! I love yall