changing to a selina kyle anon mwah


/ it's gorgeous sweetie also made me realize oli is my selina baby who is a momma's boy


@demonturns ◇          ◇
          	  °        °   THANK U


/ i love this so much btw


       i  did  something  bad  -  


@gingerdoII ◇                 ◇ 
               maybe  not  .      but  if  i  told  her  that  her  beloved  father  thought  she  was  lying  ,  that's  another  story  .     *      she  frowned  deeper  and  shook  her  head  .    *    no  ,  jerome  !   that's  overstepping  .
            °        °   and she's like " you think id lie to you :(  i tell you everything but okay ;-; "  and curls up in a ball bc she's s a d 


      you  would  never  -  hailie  would  never  let  ya  .  ha  !  *  he  smirked  triumphantly  ,  chuckling  softly  .  *  still  .  .  .  wouldn't  hurt  ,  would  it  ?   you  go  take  her  to  see  crystal  .  JUST  to  make  sure  ?
            /  and  crystal  tuts  at  him  and  jerome  just  hugs  her  like  "  what did i do wrong ??  "


@gingerdoII ◇             ◇
               don't  make  me  kick  ya  out  to  the  curb  .    *     she  threatened  playfully  before  glaring  at  him  .     *   don't  call  me  that  .    i  doubt  he  has  any  kind  of  voodoo  .    he's  a  tiny  nervous  wreck  .   
            °         °   and hailie is just : crying . real tears !! 


      *  shaking  .  bella  made  her  way  back  into  the  kyle  -  valeska  household  shaking  .  it  was  late  and  she'd  been  caught  on  the  way  back  by  her  dad  .  and  he  took  her  back  to  the  manor  and  insisted  she  stopped  messing  around  and  get  her  things  and  come  back  home  .  the  blond  unlocked  the  door  ,  tears  streaming  down  her  cheeks  .  she  KNEW  what  would  happen  if  she  didn't  do  as  he  said  .  he'd  throw  jason  and  hailie  and  jerome  in  arkham  .  she  sunk  into  the  couch  ,  holding  her  head  in  her  hands  as  she  sobbed  quietly  -  more  frustrated  than  anything  else  .  *  i  swear  ,  i  hate  you  so  much  bruce  .  *  she  muttered  ,  holding  her  head  in  her  hands  .  *
          /  i know i dropped smth earlier but you get this too bc soft angst 


     huh  ,  fair  point  .  *  the  blond  pointed  out  ,  shrugging  .  she  closed  her  eyes  ,  tucking  her  feet  under  her  as  she  curled  up  .  bruce  ruined  everything  -  she  remembered  stories  about  her  "  great  uncle  "  theo  galavan  ,  and  often  wondered  if  her  dark  side  came  from  the  galavans  ,  but  the  truth  honestly  was  something  she  didn't  want  to  know  .  *  he's  no  different  to  anyone  else  .  he  acts  so  superior  and  all  he  ever  sees  is  .  .  .  what  he  wants  .  this  stupid  image  of  what  he  wants  gotham  to  be  just  because  his  stupid  parents  died  !  nobody  cares  anymore  .


@gothamsaddict ◇              ◇
               would  it  anyone  ?     *   deep  down  selina  knew  it  was  immoral  to  hate  a  dead  woman  ,  really  .    she  didn't  want  to  hate  silver  but  after  everything  that  had  happened  ,  she  couldn't  help  it  .    and  it  was  bruce's  fault  .      *     they  do  .    besides  you  ,  of  course  .      hailie  wants  his  death  on  her  hands  ,  jace  wants  him  to  suffer .      .      .  they  hate  him  more  than  they  show  ,  bels  .    he  lies  to  everyone  and  keeps  secrets  like  they're  supposed  to  protect  people  .      he  ruined  your  life  up  until  now. 


      it  wouldn't  surprise  me  ,  really  .  *  silver  was  a  wonderful  person  when  she'd  grown  up  -  and  at  some  point  ,  maybe  the  two  would  have  got  on  .  but  she  was  dead  and  it  wouldn't  happen  and  it  was  on  bruce  .  *  who  could  blame  her  ?  i'd  hate  bruce  or  anyone  tied  to  him  if  i  was  her  or  jace  .  if  .  .  .  if  i  wasn't  -  i  spent  my  entire  life  blaming  everyone  else  for  what  was  happening  when  it  was  all  bruce  .  he  lies  and  has  secrets  and  it  kills  everyone  who  he's  near  .


        selinaaaaaa  ,  *  a  whiny  jerome  stood  in  the  doorway  ,  pouting  childishly  as  he  looked  at  her  .  *  where  are  all  my  jackets  ?


@gingerdoII ◇           ◇
               *   selina  grinned  softly  as  she  moved  her  hands  to  play  with  the  hem  of  his  shirt  ,  nails  very  lightly  grazing  him  .      jerome  had  semi  —  forced  his  way  past  her  walls  but  ,  while  her  younger  self  wasn't  always  fond  of  it  ,  she  admired  it  now  .      admired  /  him  /  .     a  delighted  purr  left  her  when  jerome  spoke  and  she  leaned  her  head  up  to  kiss  his  jaw  .    *   i  need  you  forever  ,  too  .    you're  the  best  person  i've  ever  met  ,  really  .    i  love  you  .  *    a  tiny  roll  of  her  eyes  followed  and  she  chuckled  ,  leaning  her  head  back  down  .    *     believe  me  ,  j  ,  i  know  .
            °          °   NOOOO THEY SUCK I


      *  god  ,  how  had  he  gotten  so  soft  ?  when  had  she  gotten  her  way  up  through  his  defences  ?  she  was  a  thief  -  what  did  he  honestly  expect  ?  *  you're  so  amazing  .  i  need  ya  forever  .  i  love  ya  ,  and  i  always  will  .  *  he  said  sincerely  ,  smiling  widely  at  her  comment  .  *  death  ain't  getting  ya  out  of  our  relationship  ,  kit  -  cat  .  i  hope  ya  know  that  .
            /  LIES


@gingerdoII ◇              ◇
               *     selina  was  ,  in  nearly  every  single  way  ,  enveloped  and  taken  in  jerome's  life  .      everything  he  did  she  had  a  part  of  —  they  were  a  /  team  /   .        bright  green  eyes  fluttered  open  for  a  moment  when  he  kissed  her  temple  ,  looking  up  at  him  with  nothing  but  love  .       *     i  need  you  too  ,  you  clown  .    say  that  until  i  die  .
            °          °    w H A T  MY  BIOS. ARE  TRASH


       miss  selina  -  can  i  talk  to  you  for  a  second  ?


this message may be offensive
@gothamsaddict ◇             ◇
                you're  right  .    *      the  woman  purred  quietly  as  she  drummed  her  nails  against  her  legs  ,  bouncing  one  knee  before  making  a  small  sound  of  exclamation  .       *       y'know  how  he  keeps  some  of  his  parents  shit  pristine  ?     we  could  really  fuck  that  up  .       *     mischief  flickered  in  pale  green  eyes  as  she  snickered  quietly  ,  using  a  gloved  hand  to  muffle  herself.      *      wanna  send  'em  to  mars  ?    he's  rich  enough  to  do  it  .


      ya  know  ,  might  have  to  trash  his  car  whilst  we're  there  .  for  insurance  purposes  .  *  she  giggled  gently  .  it  was  odd   how  easily  she'd  slipped  into  being  a  criminal  -  maybe  it  had  been  in  her  blood  .  bruce  told  her  that  selina  was  his  first  real  love  ,  but  bella  doubted  any  of  it  .  *  they  do  .  they're  assholes  .  it's  obvious  they're  playing  hard  to  get  .  maybe  if  they  were  sent  to  mars  together  we'd  be  able  to  .


@gothamsaddict ◇             ◇
               kid  ,  i  don't  " think "  ,  i  /  know  /  .  ask  anyone  in  that  house  and  they'll  promise  you  that  .       *       in  the  past  selina  wanted  to  change  bruce  .      make  him  accept  her  ,  make  her  love  her  as  she  did  him  .     but  then  she  met  jerome  and  he  showed  her  JUST  what  true  love  really  was  .
            and  everyone  knew  bruce  hated  it  .  *
            oh  you  know  they  do  .      ever  since  we  were  younger  ,  i've  been  rooting  for  them  .      fuckers  deserve  each  other  .    *     leaning  back  in  the  seat  the  woman  rolled  her  eyes  ,  shaking  her  head  slightly  .     *      they  won't  mind  at  all  .    if  anything  ,  HE'S  a  villain  .


// I’m crying , this is beautiful , and now I want them to interact but my mind be blanking —


            // YOURE SO WELCOME AND I LOVE YPU TOO — I would reall love that bb -


@HitMouthisms ◇           ◇
            °        °   THANK YOU I LOVE YOU - do u want me to drop something bby ?


          changing to a selina kyle anon mwah


/ it's gorgeous sweetie also made me realize oli is my selina baby who is a momma's boy


@demonturns ◇          ◇
            °        °   THANK U


/ i love this so much btw