
hellllooooooo! im so sorry I missed Christmas and New Years but merry late Christmas and happy late New year! I have been super busy with the holidays and again im so so so sorry for not updating Lost im so stressed out with everything :/ Ill try to be more active :D


hellllooooooo! im so sorry I missed Christmas and New Years but merry late Christmas and happy late New year! I have been super busy with the holidays and again im so so so sorry for not updating Lost im so stressed out with everything :/ Ill try to be more active :D


...........its 5am.........idk what to say......idek why I'm awake.........most ppl are getting up right now to go to work and school..... I should too..... when I say I'm awake that means that I haven't slept today. I woke up and haven't slept since than and nOw iTs 5 FrEaKiNg aM I nEeD hElp -_-


Hey guys! I just updated the description for my book! Yay! I also changed the name. Ive been watching a lot of Supernatural lately and so my story if=s going to have a little bit of a dark twist. *evil laugh* How you guys enjoy! I will start the new chapters asap.