
Okay okay okay. I know a week has passed but I'm really trying to make the next chapter interesting. I know where I want to go with the chapter but eh, it needs some spice and my imagination train is a bit slow.


Chapter 29 will be out soon, I promise. Sorry for the delay I had a bit of a writer's block. I've gotten about half of it done, and it will be a long one. You will be seeing it either tomorrow or the next day, no later. Thank you for patience and understanding. 


The next chapter "Gut Feeling" will be out in the next day or two. If you like my girl Nelly you'll like this chapter. I hope she's coming across like I hope. Scary on the outside kind on the inside, tall and beautiful, yet unapproachable by those who don't know her, tough and stubborn, speaks her mind but know when to keep quiet. 
          Fay also starts to figure out how to survive when her natural ways of running away arnt a choice. So that's fun :)


Okay I know this has been a long time coming, but my next chapter should be out in the next two to three days. I had to work for ten days straight (bad squeduling, my job sucks) and was a bit brain dead after. I do however think you will enjoy the next coming chapter more than the others. It has a bit more explanation as to what a bird is, and the characters in the chapter are some of my favorites so far. So please do stick around. I know I've been very slow to update, and highly appreciate your patience. Love yah!


Sorry if I haven't been posting updates like I used to. The next chapter of Remember will be published in the next three days. I have these days off, so that should be ample time for me to finish it. Then I'll try my best to be a bit more consistent, ill give myself a deadline. I hope this next chapter answers some more questions you might have had.


For anyone reading the book Remember.
          I apologize for the delayed update. I shall have it out within the next day or to. Just got a bit busy for a bit, but I found some time to write. Also thank you for following me, and my story. It truly means alot to me. Even if there are only a few of you, I'll keep writing just for you.