
I have put Abused on hold for now, the spring of inspiration has run dry for May and Logan. However, I am pouring my whole soul into another book that is very close to being completed so be on the look out for Twin Alphas. I'll let you all know when it's up. Thank you for being patient and understanding.


Hello, I was just wondering if you are going to be uploading more chapters to " rejected" cause i have just finished it and i am hooked, it is so good. Thanks have a great day or night. 


@GammaGirl2012 ok thanks, cant wait to read more.


Rejected is not finished, it just came to a natural pause. Don’t worry, it’s not done 


I absolutely loved your book, Twin Alphas! It was so good and I felt like the pacing was great. I also love your characters because they are so realistic and relatable even though they live in a very different world than we do. Excellent, excellent job! 
          I look forward to any other stories you have to offer, maybe even a sequel…


R u going to make a part 2 to twin alpha's


What is the new book?


@crazycookiemaker I have some ideas for a sequel... And with the positive responses I've been receiving a sequel is a very real possibility. Right now I'm working on another book but once that is finished I'll be starting work on Twin Alphas sequel. 


Love Twin Alpha story. Please please tell me there sequel soon. A must read book. 


@AnnaGarcia829 thank you for your feedback. I have been playing with the idea of a sequel, so there may be one in the future. It is creaping up my list of things to do, and with all the positive responses to Twin Alphas it may be coming sooner than I planned. 