
this message may be offensive
Y cant I just go home were I belong I am done with this foster care bull shit I aint going to lie I did think about runnig away but I relizzed that that wont do anything for me but keep me longer so I aint going to do that I just want my life the way it was befor. I know that i was not in the best invierment but i would do anything to get back there. Dad I am sorry for all the fucking problems that i have cosed you but your the only parent I have a live and I need you more than I show I wish you could have been in my life when i was younger I know that you tried to but my grandparents didnt want me and the boys around you and what they have said I am sorry for throughing it into your face if it was not for you 5 1/2 years ago I would have been locked up or in foster care somewhere elsa. I would like to come home to try aging. Thanky you for all of the bullshit I had put you all through.


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Y cant I just go home were I belong I am done with this foster care bull shit I aint going to lie I did think about runnig away but I relizzed that that wont do anything for me but keep me longer so I aint going to do that I just want my life the way it was befor. I know that i was not in the best invierment but i would do anything to get back there. Dad I am sorry for all the fucking problems that i have cosed you but your the only parent I have a live and I need you more than I show I wish you could have been in my life when i was younger I know that you tried to but my grandparents didnt want me and the boys around you and what they have said I am sorry for throughing it into your face if it was not for you 5 1/2 years ago I would have been locked up or in foster care somewhere elsa. I would like to come home to try aging. Thanky you for all of the bullshit I had put you all through.