
Expect an update on Two Worlds somewhere around this week cause I completely forgot I didn't update for ym week, and that was kind of stupid of me. I blame it on Jojo's Bizzare adventure for distracting me ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


Expect an update on Two Worlds somewhere around this week cause I completely forgot I didn't update for ym week, and that was kind of stupid of me. I blame it on Jojo's Bizzare adventure for distracting me ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


I'm so frustrated. For some reasons ao3 isn't loading which means I can't access it, and aff isn't allowing me to write, idk if it's a bug or anything, but it rlly doesn't allow me to write. The box thing where I'm supposed to write, doesn't show up. So yeah, I'm rlly fcking frustrated with this, wattpad is the only thing working atm