
Hey everyone! Just checking in with everyone, hope it's going good. Also popping in to shamefully ask you to read my recent updates. I'll be posting a few AU type stories here every once in a while and wanted to check up and see if you guys were liking them. Oh, and requests are ALWAYS open so please feel free to send in any type of prompt (dialogue prompts are fun, as are all AU prompts) I'm itching to write so please hit me up! 
          	As always, thank you for reading, and if you happen to like it, please comment. If you didn't like it, do the same;) All the love.


Hey everyone! Just checking in with everyone, hope it's going good. Also popping in to shamefully ask you to read my recent updates. I'll be posting a few AU type stories here every once in a while and wanted to check up and see if you guys were liking them. Oh, and requests are ALWAYS open so please feel free to send in any type of prompt (dialogue prompts are fun, as are all AU prompts) I'm itching to write so please hit me up! 
          As always, thank you for reading, and if you happen to like it, please comment. If you didn't like it, do the same;) All the love.


Alrighty so I've decided that since I'm on break for thanksgiving, I'd open up requests for anything you guys would like me to write. Just shoot me a message saying you'd like a fic (you can specify anything you'd like in the story. You can even send me a dialogue prompt. I love those.) I'll have the fic up ASAP for you! I'm desperate to get back into writing and I thought "hey, why not?"


Hey readers!
          I just wanted to express my thanks for reading, voting, and commenting on Jilted. It's been by far my favorite story to write! 
          As you know, I've got one more chapter(maybe two if I can think of anything else to add to the plot) and then it's done. 
          The update probably won't come until Friday unless I get done with my huge English essay before then. Life's getting busier, but don't think I'm forgetting about writing;) I love it too much to leave it alone. 
          All the love!<3


Sorry, no update tonight. I've gotta get up at 6 tomorrow and if I wanna be a functional human being, I need my eight hours. I'm really sorry. I wanted to get at least two chapters done for you guys tonight, and I've only got 500 words to one chapter. I'll do my best and get the at least the one chapter done before school starts Monday. 


Okay so I planned to post an update a couple days ago on Jilted but life got in the way again. Today is literally THE last day of lazing around for me before school starts, and I plan on being productive and updating at least chapter 20, maybe 21 if ideas come to me. Also, the wifi is being ridiculously slow today, so you might only get an update around midnight when it speeds up. Here's hoping! I'm so excited for these next couple chapters. Lots of stuff you've been waiting on;) hopefully I won't disappoint you readers! 
          As always, thanks for reading, and all the love! 


I apologize again for not posting any chapters of Jilted. I really should stop making promises I can't keep. It feels like life just keeps getting busier! This weekend I've got a youth retreat and the next week I've got appointments and a bunch of things I have to take care of, but I will say this: if I don't post at least one chapter next week, I give you all permission to yell at me. A lot. I need to buckle myself down and just write with no excuses. I'm sorry for making you all wait. Remember, next week;)


So sorry, but I have to postpone putting up another chapter for another night. I've got a painting I need to finish for someone soon, and I'd rather not disappoint the person buying it!
          Tomorrow I will try and get as much writing out as possible. Thank you for being so patient! 
          All the love


So I got home about an hour and a half ago, ate supper, took a shower, and did some chores. Now I've got a headache BUT I'm all comfy in my bed, getting ready to write a new chapter of Jilted;)
          I won't say I'll have it up tonight, but I will try my best!
          Btw, I know I've been horrible at updating, so I'll try and make it up to you faithful readers! Thanks for reading! All the love


Now that summer break is finally here, I have time to write! So anyone who is reading this,notify me as to what you want the most of: imagines or Jilted chapters. I've been slacking on both, and I wanna know what you guys want the most of(don't worry, though. I'll try and update both regularly throughout the summer)