
Hey ya'll, long time no see. I am currently stuck in a third chapter loophole where I've started three stories and gotten stuck with mad writers block on the third chapter every single time. BUT I'm finally finished with Uni for the year and I really want to get something done in the break so (if anyone really cares) please let me know what story you'd be interested in reading and I'll do my best to write what I can - but no promises . 
          	Stray Kids Lee Minho X Fem Reader 
          	- 1800s Russia, Circus, dark magic, heist 
          	Twice Mina Myoi X Fem Reader 
          	- Modern day romance, secret warring magic clans
          	Undecided (Pls leave suggestions) X Fem Reader
          	- Pirates and magic, found family, prison break in
          	Sorry all my stories are from a fem perspective, I simply do not like writing from a man's pov. Please leave any and all suggestions or ideas!!


@GeorgeCrimson  Hi there!!! Just wanted to say I love each and every one of your stories. Personally, i would love to see more Stories with a Skz member and a reader, but i'm sure i will enjoy reading anything you write anyway! Looking forward to reading more stories of yours!


@GeorgeCrimson lol do what works best for you, but make sure you at least let yourself out of said dark room for meal breaks ;)


@GeorgeCrimson I am glad to have been able to help you out with this.


Waaaaaaaaaah, man i miss your artworks so so much, I've literally never enjoyed a story a much as I enjoyed reading yours. Literal works of art, especially witch hunt and face the truth (I can't stop thinking about the scene where fl and jisung are in the lake, oooh, I still feel those butterflies In my stomach ) they were such good books. I hope you'd deliver one more of your works and let us gaze upon another piece of your creative mind. Thank you for all your efforts so far! And keep healthy!


Waaaaaaaaaah, man i miss your artworks so so much, I've literally never enjoyed a store a much as I enjoyed reading yours. Literal works of art, especially witch hunt and face the truth (I can't stop thinking about the scene where fl and jisung are in the lake, oooh, I still feel those butterflies In my stomach) they were such good books. I hope you'd deliver one more of your works and let us gaze upon another piece of your creative mind. Thank you for all your efforts so far! And keep healthy!


God im sobbing the witch hunt was to good 


@cloudy_you thank you so much!! ❤️❤️


            Btw u are an amazing writer!


No thank u 
            Like i was so happy to find it has a sequel 


I just wanted to let you know, I adore your witch hunt story. I found it funny at times, I was on the edge of my seat other times... Honestly if it wasnt a fanfiction, I still would have read it. Not that I'm only on here for fanfiction 


@GeorgeCrimson please pretend my reply to myself had you tagged in it and not me. It's been a WHILE since I was social on this app 


@cactuspriince if you end up writing another one about skz, I'll definitely be the first to read it. I just finished your Han one and adored it too.


@cactuspriince Oh my god, thank you so much! That story was so much fun to write I'm really happy to hear people enjoy reading it just as much! 
