
Annie: Hello, I am Annie of the Stars, or simply Annie for short


Annie: I mean, you got that all right, and why haven’t you been talking with me?


Annie: The chapters are Prologue, Attack on Sodor, Tragic Deaths, An Invitation, Meeting the Resistance, The Big Attack, The Heartbreaking Stories, Rescuing Captain James Ryan, Catching Up, D-Day 2, The Geek Princess Knight, To Destroy a Dam, A Frosty Dragon Prince, The Liberation of Paris, Discovering Project Eisenmann, Destruction of the Eisenmann facility, Legend of the Spear of Destiny, The Spear of Destiny, Escape from Ausbruch, Reunion of Heroes, The terrors of the Feurdrone facility, Letters from an old friend, Clash with Graf Edmund Holzbein and Otto Giftmacher, The Ironworks survivors, Back To The Desert, The Half Genie Saviors, A Broken Diamond In The Rough, Discovery of Life And Death Advanced Technology, More Than Meets The Eye, Hotaru’s Explanation, The Portal, Escape from New Berlin, Cait’s Story, To Stop a Purge, Behind Enemy Lines, The Blade of Agony and the Betrayal of Captain James Ryan and the Death of Captain Douglas Blake, A Bad Nightmare, Captured Again, Escape from Schattenau, Clash with Josef Mengele, The Cyclotaur Warriors, An Undead Infestation, Saving The Skylanders, More Survivors and Adora’s Story, Invasion of Arnhem, The Fall of Captain James Ryan, The Man With The Secrets, Bow Learns the Truth, Attack of the Zombies, Learning about the Betrayal of the Captain, Preparing for the Storm, Invasion of Berlin, Chasing down the Fuher, The Crash of the Graf Zeppelin, Storming Wolfenstein Castle, The Final Battle Against Adolf, and Epilogue


Annie: The name of this story is known as Annie and the Cosmic Empire 