
Hello everyone.
          	I just wanted to post a message on this account just to say that it has been one year since Ghost Energy was formed by me and Ezekiel. Even though Ghost Energy is no longer running, I just want to say thank you for your continued support on our solo ventures. I'm taking a bit of a break from writing, so I won't be on Wattpad for a while, but you can still follow Aslo, Foxy and Ezekiel on their separate accounts. 
          	Once again, thank you for your continued support.


Hello everyone.
          I just wanted to post a message on this account just to say that it has been one year since Ghost Energy was formed by me and Ezekiel. Even though Ghost Energy is no longer running, I just want to say thank you for your continued support on our solo ventures. I'm taking a bit of a break from writing, so I won't be on Wattpad for a while, but you can still follow Aslo, Foxy and Ezekiel on their separate accounts. 
          Once again, thank you for your continued support.


          Thank you all so much for one thousand reads on The First Step. This means so much to me and the gang and even though Ghost Energy is no longer active, this is still an amazing accomplishment. Thank you all!


Hi everyone! 
          So I'm going to make a different profile just where I can make my own stories so please can I get some ideas on some names for it?


@L8NightWriter good idea...
            After I've made it I'm gonna tell u and lots of other people and then just spread the word so I get followers!/viewers!


@Aslo_Diagon good idea.
            Any idea who? I'm not sure who I don't have a good brain xD


@GhostNRG maybe do like a combination of your favourite things e.g Pokemon and food = Fodemon . It's strange, but it works.


Hi everyone.
          It is with a heavy heart that today I decided that Ghost Energy had ran its course. As  gutted as I feel, it was not really working out as a whole. I am leaving my options open, so Ghost Energy may come back at some point later in time, but for now, this is goodbye. 
          Q: Will the First Step stay up?
          A: Yes. We put a lot of work into it, so there is no way we are going to delete it. 
          Q: Are the members still going to be writing?
          A: Of course! You can find our separate accounts in our bio to read stuff (there will be more stuff on my profile soon, I promise)
          Q: If the group did come back, when?
          A: That I don't know... however if we do decide to come back, it won't be in a decade!
          Q: Will you guys do Pokemon on your separate profiles?
          A: I will at some point. Don't know about the rest though...
          Before I go, on behalf of everyone at Ghost Energy, thank you for all of your wonderful support, and we hope to see all of you on our separate profiles!