
I've been trying to publish the gotdang sequel but wattpad is being really stupid. So sorry if I've been blowing up anyone's notifications with my publishing and unpublishing. 


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I'm still planning on posting the sequel to Communion of the Cursed, I'm just suffering through writer's block and school is fucking killing me. And... I kind of have to read through it again and take notes to make sure there's no plot holes.


Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know I'm still working on The Communion of the Cursed sequel. I have it on hold atm because I want to finish all my minor stories first. So please don't give up on me because I know many major writers in this fandom are quitting. 


So tomorrow is the last day of school (ironically -_-) so I will be working on/finishing stories (yes they are the ones with Ghost in them I'm not stopping them just cuz he left). So yeah, I apologize that I've been really inactive; school just kills my inspiration.


I'm sorry guys I'm really trying to manage my time between school and updating, but stupid ol' me had to take two of the most difficult classes at the same time. Plus writers block so yeah, once again I apologize. And happy belated new year!