
Okay! Chapters 1-3(part 2) -in the latest addition to my works- have been given to you at the start. All ya gotsta do is read. Happy reading and lots o love! Check it out!


Hey hey hey chickadees!! I've started a new book! It's going to be romantic and sappy but bear with me, my brain works overtime and it needs to go somewhere! Check it out, you don't even have to vote or comment. Keep up with the chapters lovelies!! See you in the next installments!!


What an amazing best friend I have! No one can replace the loveliest dorky should-be-in-a-manga/will-be-in-a-book girl whom I'd give up my "lone wolf" dream to share an apartment with. @xXalligatorXx you're the bestest bestie to ever be the best :) loooveeeee this girl! Follow herrrr read her boooooookkkkkkk it's amazinnggggg I swearrrrrrr  #rawrnstuffs