
Nav has updated! I am very late, but I was on vacation and the time away was very helpful for my brain so hopefully I can work everyday again! I hope you enjoy the latest chapter!


I'm back! Ish, things are still rough but I'm trying to move forward so I have a new chapter up for The Navigator! I am working on chapters for next week, but I figured this one was nearly finished when everything went to hell so I might as well start by finishing and posting it. Enjoy!


So I just had something pretty major come up in my life that I need a moment to struggle with. Tomorrow's chapter will post as scheduled but I can't make any promises regarding next week. I'm sorry, I may post a new story explaining, we will see how far it goes.


Hey all! Nav is up! It's a big one and I just...well I hope you like it. Only 2 updates this week, and I'm thinking It will probably drop to two for the remainder of this book since I am obviously struggling to keep up.
          Love ya!


omgomgomg so close to 2k!!!! ahhh


Girl! Whisp of silk has 8.9k! Lol. I'm with it now though! Thank you!


@scribblingwhitelies what? No way! How? Your books seem super popular! I'm checking myself!


you of course lol i'm nowhere close to 2 yet ;)


@AmethystsParks, @j_shock, @DawnDavidson, @pooh-pen. I just wanted to thank you personally for continuing to read! You really do keep me going!
          That said, I can’t go on!! This week lol. Supernova kicked my backside-HARD. laying down all the emotional foundation over several chapters for one big moment was an incredible and fulfilling experience but it left me exhausted. Cause now I have to do it again. Well resolve then build.
          So I'm not going to post this week, probably. I have a little one shot running through my head that I may put on paper. Remind myself of how much I love these two and give me a break.
          Anyway thank you again and really all my love. ALL of it! You are all just the best!! Collectively 


You got this!!! Loving the book :) 


@Gingerine88 sometimes you need a breather! Take your time and make it the best it can be.