
Hey I know it has been a long time since I've been active with you lot but I have a serious question for all of you. Would you be interested in a Marvel fan-fiction? Like any Marvel character, I watched the Premier of Avengers Endgame and I had this awesome idea for a story but I don't know if anyone is interested in reading a fan-fiction that takes you through basically the whole MCU/MSU. I'd like to start writing fan-fiction again and at the moment I've got the MCU/MSU on my mind so just let me know what you lot think. (Also if you did not know the MCU stands for the Marvel Comic Universe (the comics only) and the MSU stands for the Marvel Studios Universe (the movies only))


Hey I know it has been a long time since I've been active with you lot but I have a serious question for all of you. Would you be interested in a Marvel fan-fiction? Like any Marvel character, I watched the Premier of Avengers Endgame and I had this awesome idea for a story but I don't know if anyone is interested in reading a fan-fiction that takes you through basically the whole MCU/MSU. I'd like to start writing fan-fiction again and at the moment I've got the MCU/MSU on my mind so just let me know what you lot think. (Also if you did not know the MCU stands for the Marvel Comic Universe (the comics only) and the MSU stands for the Marvel Studios Universe (the movies only))


I haven't been active very much in the last month but thanks you all so much for 205 followers!!! I'm hoping to put out a new story about the Sidemen in 2017, I won't be active for a while once again but I will be working on the story!!! Happy holidays and thanks once again!!!


Thank you so much for 193 followers! I really appreciate it!


I will be taking down some of my stories to fix them up but they should be back up by tomorrow or sooner!


my very first book is back up and better!