
          	Okay all we like left is some editing, re-reading, and stuff like that. Hopefully you guys will like this final cut, we've been working very hard on it. We love the support we've seen in this story, so keep your eyes opened for the story to be published! We have plan to publish it within the next two weeks! Thank you guys again for the support, and we hope you guys enjoy Supers!! Love you guys!


          Okay all we like left is some editing, re-reading, and stuff like that. Hopefully you guys will like this final cut, we've been working very hard on it. We love the support we've seen in this story, so keep your eyes opened for the story to be published! We have plan to publish it within the next two weeks! Thank you guys again for the support, and we hope you guys enjoy Supers!! Love you guys!


          Okay I know it's been a while since we've updated The Supers, but there's been so much stuff that has happened, and also we're trying to get the story as good as possible. The story might be small with eleven chapters only planned at this moment, but we're working on the story in whatever way we can. I hope you haven't gave up on our Supers, because they're still coming! Just give us some more time and our Supers book will be finished before you know it! Love you guys, PEACE ✌ 


Again, we're still working on so many things for The Supers. We're writing as much as we can, and we're almost finished with the final results. The story has somewhat changed, and we're excited to let you all read it! Thank you guys for all the support, and stat tune for more information, especially a release date that is coming soon! 
          Love and peace to all you marvelous people out there. 


Hey guys! Sorry we haven't been as active, but we're working on our Supers book. Recently, we had deleted almost everything and now we're doing a new perspective on the story. While we kept (and recycled) some of our previous writings, we still are using these characters but some we have changed a little more. We have also taken out some characters, because we felt as if their use wasn't needed. But we wanted to give an update so that way you guys know that we haven't gave up! Just be patient, we're be done sooner than you think. 
          Stay marvelous, and God bless!