
I regret to inform all of our followers that this profile will not be active again, going to delete the page soon.


Greetings to all of our super followers! I (Madeline) wanted to do a quick apology for not being very active on here lately...the Beefster and I both have been pretty busy lately, and sometimes things just kind of get put on the back burner. 
          I know I'll certainly try to get on here more, and interact with all of you lovely people- and you can hold me to that! 
          So, until next time (which will be very soon, I promise) Stay Super, God Bless, Marvel is better than DC, and always remember to ROCK ON \m/


"To the One who spoke and set the sun ablaze, 
          To the One who stopped the storm and walked the waves,
          To the One who took the tree so He could say:
          'YOU MATTER! I hope you know you matter! YOU MATTER! Heaven knows you matter!' " 
          -For King & Country
          I know sometimes those clouds look more grey than they are white, and you feel like giving up. Your mind is your worst enemy, and this war right now- the war between your spirit and your mind is the hardest and longest battle known to man. But I want you to know that those lyrics aren't just words poetically put. It's the truth. If you weren't meant to live, and breathe- then you wouldn't be. If God made you (and God made everything) then you have a purpose. I know it might not be clear to you right now, but I promise you that you have a purpose- and that God loves you so desperately that He sent His son to DIE for you. That's the very definition of having meaning. If someone should die for you, then you must have grand importance in their eyes. And I know that God looks at you as His bride, and His child. And HE LOVES YOU. So keep looking up, to the sunshine to come. Because one time or another, those dark clouds will have to clear. So don't let them overstay their welcome. Just remember through all things- YOU DO MATTER. So please never give up. 


Quote of the day: 
          "Taxes are taxes, money is money, it comes, goes, loses value, and expires, but life, life is priceless. If you spend all you life on money, you're in a poor trade, live life for what it is, make the best of it. Do what you love. Do what you were called to do. Not for the money. Not for anyone. And then, then, you realize, you're only halfway to the value of life." Jonah Duncan


          If you could have any ONE super power, what would it be, and what's the reason for your choice? I know, I know, that's a nearly impossible decision to make, and I'm glad I don't have to answer it! XD
          Stay super, and rock on!!!
          (But I'm sure you can tell the 'rock on' was me, Madeline haha)


@ChildOfThe1TruKing ahhh i like your thinking!!!! -Madeline


@GodlyGeeks I'd have to choose the ability to mimic other people's powers, simply because then, you can have a bunch of different ones lol.


"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one!' "
          -CS Lewis
          This is so true, and I think we've said that a million times to each other. Thanks for being that friend, Jonah. I haven't had to he alone in anything worldly now that God gave me the truest best friend in the world. Thanks for all the laughs, the cheering up, the weird pointless talks at one a.m., and everything else in between. I appreciate you so so much. Keep being so insane and awesome, buddy. 


Seriously, "Hope Not Lost" is, what I feel like, will be some of the best work either of us has ever done. 
          Jonah and I are enthusiastic about writing it, and I know that God'll do the rest! We've got the pens and the paper, but HE'S got the story. And when God is involved, greatness can be the only outcome!!!
          As the lovable weirdo I call my best pal said- keep a watch out for our book to drop!!!! 
          Stay super, our people!!! (And by that I mean stay on Team Marvel, which is not just "the way to go" - it's the ONLY way to go hehe! ^___^) 
          Your Friendly Neighborhood Marvel Lover