
I think I'm going to be abandoning this account for a while and seeing as no one reads these stories I'm pretty sure leaving them like this won't hurt anybody. The new account that I started is hopefully going to be a new start 


I think I'm going to be abandoning this account for a while and seeing as no one reads these stories I'm pretty sure leaving them like this won't hurt anybody. The new account that I started is hopefully going to be a new start 


Tagged by @InspiredNightmares
          Real name: Shyesha
          What does my user name mean:  Well the Komorebi (木漏れ日) is a Japanese word which means showers of sunlight that filters through trees between leaves. I added the Gold part to Komorebi, because I thought it was unique and the sun light flitter through the trees between their leaves sounds like a golden moment.
          Favorite mutual: N/A
          First person I met on wattpad: @DarkFears_x3
          Piercing and earrings: 2 and Earrings
          Last movie I watch: PENTATONIX: On My Way Home
          Last song I listened to:  Perfect by One Direction
          Fav TV shows? Teen wolf, Doctor Who (BBC), Stitchers, and Quantico 
          Fav book series: I don’t know there are too many
          Hair color and length? Black-Brown and cut in a short afro
          Favorite thing about yourself: I’m not that much into myself to know
          First person I remember following on wattpad: My Bff/Dudett/Original/Bud/Bro/Tine-Tine
          Greatest memory: There’s not too many of those, but one of my greatest memory is….When I met my WEIRD/PASTA LOVING/EVIL HOMEWRECKER/MUSIC JUNKY WIFE/BFF 
          Tagging: @DarkFears_x3, @AyrouXD, @secretlybeautiful-


So, I've been thinking about  Love, Baseball, and Other Things about how I haven't been updating and I came to the Conclusion of probably rewriting the story again, along with The Boy Who Stole My Heart.... Seeing as last year I'd lost all my stories, because of a broken flash drive...