
So I know I haven’t posted in a while but just got the news about Rooster teeth. While details aren’t fully out, I’m surprised to see how suddenly it’s being shut down. Wondering what will happen to the IP’s and where they go from here since despite my feelings towards the company and how it took its projects, my first story on this site was a RWBY crossover and it’s sad to see that even if it was a dumpster fired we will probably never get an ending to the story, or for RVB with the ‘final season’. 


@theRelixing Why would I delete my story? There are a number of stories on this site that share the same name.


@ Goldengun2002  Hello, how are you, my dear, I wanted to ask you something and that is that I could delete your attack on titanfall story since it is the same as mine, if you would be so kind, my dear. 


While I never watched all of RWBY my only experience with it was on Wattpad itself and memes. I am kinda bummed that there might be a chance that it won’t get a proper ending.


So I know I haven’t posted in a while but just got the news about Rooster teeth. While details aren’t fully out, I’m surprised to see how suddenly it’s being shut down. Wondering what will happen to the IP’s and where they go from here since despite my feelings towards the company and how it took its projects, my first story on this site was a RWBY crossover and it’s sad to see that even if it was a dumpster fired we will probably never get an ending to the story, or for RVB with the ‘final season’. 


@theRelixing Why would I delete my story? There are a number of stories on this site that share the same name.


@ Goldengun2002  Hello, how are you, my dear, I wanted to ask you something and that is that I could delete your attack on titanfall story since it is the same as mine, if you would be so kind, my dear. 


While I never watched all of RWBY my only experience with it was on Wattpad itself and memes. I am kinda bummed that there might be a chance that it won’t get a proper ending.


Hey guys, I know it’s been a while, apparently junior year is as terrible as everyone says it is. I might be back posting once in a while but probably summer is when I can start getting things going again.


@Goldengun2002 well if you don’t want to do it, that’s alright if you do agree I’ll at you. It’s your choice if you say no I’ll respect your decision!


I'm not too sure honestly.


@Goldengun2002 I sorry for confusing you, I’m currently making a story about a multiversal threat that traveling the multiverse and beating some Y/n’s from other universes, while manipulating some of the weak and/or evil Y/n’s to join his side of his personal war that he’s planning!
            I want to ask if it’s alright to use F/n from your I’m no trooper story, because I wanted to have them make a cameo as he’s one of the first Y/n’s that fights the threat?


Hey just a quick question are you still continuing a hunters journey:book 4?


That series is currently going through a rewrite, so in a sense yes since it’ll be following the same plot points for the most part, just improving upon it now after these years of writing, want to give it a new coat of paint so to say


ITS WRITTEN!!!!!!!!! Finally after months with finals and the finishing of my classes I’ve finished the fourth chapter for the attack on titan book! Once it’s edited it should be out tomorrow and we’ll be back! Hopefully posting once a week again or maybe 2 depending upon my mood, but we’re getting back into the grove and I hope to start pumping out more content for you all in the months to come!


Hey guys, I know it’s been a while, but I’ve come with some news, with finals coming to an end next week, I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to start writing again now that most of my essay’s and lab reports for classes aren’t draining my will to do so. On top of that I should be able to update more often over the winter break before things may get hectic again coming up next semester.
          I honesty don’t know what the future will bring in terms of an upload schedule but I’m hopeful to start once again making the stories I wish to tell, till we meet again! Hopefully in a week or two.


With all the news coming from the ex-employees of Bungie, I don’t know what to feel anymore, rage, wrath and sadness don’t feel like they don’t cut the feelings that I’m currently gonna by through, all these talented people that have been with Bungie since even the halo days are being cut off and destiny will never be the same after this.
          Be it the shadowy upper management of the company or heads at Sony forcing this, I hope they get what’s coming to them for destroying the soul of this company, these people don’t deserve this.


Hey, quick question since there's already a season 2 of Goblin Slayer, are you planning to continue the story of Slayer and the Void?


I’ve got my flag and eyepatch sights, only issue at this point isn’t access but time given collage to actually watch  and get to writing again.


do you want a free anime site


@Goldengun2002 if i remember it is although the details are probably fudged abit but to the amount im unsure also