
Moved to Tumblr @send-me-to-valhalla 


          What this?!
          *double checks account*
          How the- who would- what?
          *checks again just to be sure*
          A hundred followers?!
          *runs around screaming like a fangirling teenager- oh wait*
          *wheezes and gasps for air like a fish out of water*
          Ok- no- more running for me.
          Thank you so much for following the trash I call myself!!! All of you!!! Especially you- you know who you are- yep right there in the back! Anyways- the quarter just ended so I'll hopefully have more time for writing. Plus I have a bunch of oneshots set up right now, they're just waiting to be finished. Quick question before I go- how many of you like Supernatural? I've become obsessed and I think I need help but that not the point- I have a few shots that I want to publish but I'm worried no one will like them. Anyways back in subject- thank you all!! Bubye!


Yes, hugs sound good. Or will Mark steal those too? Damñ YouTube taking over our lives.


            Sorry, just felt the need to say it again. 
            But seriously, congrats for a hundred followers! As a prize, you get a lifetime supply of cookies! *goes to get cookies*
            *comes back* Never mind, Jack ate all the cookies. 
            How about a hug instead?