
Realised that I come on here when my life turns to poo. I’m going through something and honestly everyday is a fight to get through. Reading helps me escape to worlds I wish I could live in. 


I haven’t been on Wattpad for some time but I’m back baby and I’m so happy that some of my favourite books are still here 
          My problem is I have so many books I want to read but absolutely no time. Add in a lack of time management skills and you have a stressed woman 


I find comfort knowing that on here I’m anonymous my friends, family and acquaintances don’t know it’s me. 
            Idk why I’m using this as a diary of sorts but I’ve just finished a book. I spend a lot of time avoiding my reality by reading. Some might say this is good because at least I’m not indulging in harmful drugs but the truth is I end up feeling empty after I finish a book. Wondering what I will do next. 


I read a werewolf story some time back and this girl was putting on some of her old clothes but they felt tight so she’d try take them off and start hyperventilating because she’d be stuck and her mate would help her take it off. >>> I just had that moment except I don’t have a mate. 
          That was honestly so random but I really can’t for the love of me remember what the story is called. So if you know what I’m on about let me know 


@Green_hamburger do u  know which book?


@Green_hamburger just snip-snip boo ✂


I keep disappearing and reappering on wattled which isn't bad but it makes me sad, this app helped me when my depression was bad and now I'm not sure if I should let go of the app and leave it in the past or continue using it to get through my hard times.