
We be doin another rewrite of Agent Grey. I am OCD freak, so, apologies if you were reading it and it is unpublished now. I will try and update once or twice a week. School's almost done for me, so when I don't have to worry about my grades I'll be able to publish chapters a lot more. Thank you all for your patience and kindness!!!!


We be doin another rewrite of Agent Grey. I am OCD freak, so, apologies if you were reading it and it is unpublished now. I will try and update once or twice a week. School's almost done for me, so when I don't have to worry about my grades I'll be able to publish chapters a lot more. Thank you all for your patience and kindness!!!!


Okay, seriously though... I have some huge time travel what ifs, questions, and theories... If I made a book of just like crazy stuff and ideas and questions, who'd be interested? This may or may not be my brainstorming of possible time travel ideas for future books or fanfic chapters, so if it became a sort of chatroom book where a bunch of people were commenting, I'd really appreciate it.


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Hey. I know I said I was updating Sigyn as soon as I can, and I am. However, I'm working on after Endgame stuff, and with all the mini series coming out I want to try and stay true to the universe timeline instead of the production timeline. Lol, so there's going to be a lot of unpublishing and republishing of chapters in the future. I just wanted to warn you all now. I am working, but I'm doing a lot of back tracking. ALSO WHO ELSE IS FLIPPIN EXCITED FOR BLACK WIDOW AND LOKI?????!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!! OUR CHARACTERS FINALLY GETTIN THE RECOGNITION THEY DESERVE PEOPLE!!!!!!! ONE WEEK. JUST ONE. IS ANYONE ELSE HAVING TROUBLE BELIEVING IT OR JUST ME????!!!! Also, happy pride month to all my special gals, guys, and nonbinary. Lol, coming out story: I didn't have to, my parents didn't give a shit what gender I was into. The end. Very disappointing, I'm kind of a little disappointed I didn't have the big coming out hurrah, but at the same time... Not really that necessary anymore bc this be the love who you love and be who you be time. Fun. Thank you!


I'm baaaaaack. Haha my parents just said they will never let me be with the love of my life and that there's no hope so, lol. Time for some serious fully immersive world surfing. It's been about 7 weeks and 9 1/2 fully binged shows later and I'm almost out of shows so I'm gonna start writing again, yayyyyy! Hopefully in 1 Year and 7 months I can be free, but until then I'm just going to try and survive. I hope to start working on Sigyn tonight, so I'll be publishing a new chapter as soon as I can! Thank you!


I have never hurt worse than I do right now. I write about heartbreak, I claim to know what love is, and I always hope that love can slay all evils. But life is not some fairytale, and I don't think I will be okay for a long, long time. Old friendships have faded, as much as I hate to admit it, I am broken inside. I am a walking human time bomb and I will always mess up the good things in my life. I fell for someone who I shouldn't have and the worst part is he fell too. And I screwed it up. I showed him a part of me that no one has ever seen because he's the only one who ever asked, and now I have to figure out how to live knowing I can never have the only person who has made all of my silly little crushes disappear from my mind. He loves me and someone else, and I guess it's my fault I was too late. I was the last to show up. And he doesn't believe that our families would be okay if we were together. I get that. But I guess it wouldn't feel as bad as it does if he just didn't love a girl who doesn't love him back. I'm sorry for my pointless update, but I am broken and I don't know when I will write again, if I write again.


Hey guys! It's been a while since I've been really involved on here, and I apologise for that. School's started up and that's taken up a lot of my time. I am also in the process of starting a new Harry Potter fanfiction series that is unlike any of the Harry Potter fanfics I've seen so far. If that interests you, I will notify you when I finish book 1. It will be posted on a shared profile I have with my friend @quacksondowneyjr. The shared profile is called @KimandAutumn.


I have yet to find something that makes me cry more than Remembering Stan Lee (an extra from Avengers Endgame) It's just  so incredible how humble and kind and sweet he is. Even after he created an entire universe and even beyond. He's just incredible, and I'm still in shock that he's left this world. But he will always be in our hearts.


When you write a character dying, sure you'll get some tears... but writing how that death basically destroys everyone who cared about them, and causes characters to lose hope forever... that is the hardest thing I've ever had to write... Mostly because I can't read what I'm writing through my tears, but also because it is so painful to lose someone you care so deeply for... The pain takes over your entire body and it will never go away. The pain of losing someone just becomes a part of who you are. And to actually capture that in writing is just, it's so hard to do it well.