
It's 11:21 pm and I just would like to say thank you sa mga nagvovote sa Misty! Thank you for showing your support! Love you all!


Kumusta ka na kuyaaa


@gidmurk oo nga wala na haha wala pa naman bagong story akong nadagdag haha still on going ang misty


@gidmurk wala nang chat dito sa wattpad e hahaha mabuti naman po. naghahanap ulit ng mababasa rito sa stories mo haha.


@gidmurk eto mabuti naman. Ikaw ba kumusta?


Tuloy ang summer vacation ni Narra sa mysterious village ng kanyang lola where rain never ends, surrounded by mists and watching trees.
          Chapter II: Vanishing Trees OUT NOW!
          P.s: I deleted the original chapter 2, but this new one is exactly what I want it to be. I hope you enjoy reading it as I enjoy writing each word.


May on-going story ako, and I could barely find spare time and energy to write it, pero every once in a while my head keeps reeling on another story that's supposed to be hidden in the back of my mind and not be dug up unless I'm done with MISTY.
          This is good though, to have story ideas again, after a long years of not having any.


@nyankokun yess totoo yan, madalas yung energy natin hanggang reading nalang haha pero pag writing hirap na


@Gregor_io The struggle is we may have time but we don’t have the energy to write. Others might call it laziness but napakahirap magsulat kapag hindi lang katawan ang pagod kundi ang utak din


A special shout out to @marvelity for giving my novel LUMINOUS a new look thru his wonderful cover creation!
          I always love text- and symbol-based covers for my novels, but this time it's different. LUMINOUS is so dear to me. It's not perfect, it's rough and sometimes feel like half-done, but it's lovely. It's a different story, with different style, so it deserves a unique cover. This new cover by @marvelity made it excatly how I imagined it would be. I'm in love! And now LUMINOUS is even more special.
          Stay tuned as I wait to finally use the new cover for LUMINOUS. It's so beautiful!