Hi! First off lets start off saying I am a bit crazy and fangirl over a lot of things.  It is quite funny actually:P I am very crazy, but in a good way.

Likes: Game of Thrones, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Reading, Vampire Academy series, Bloodlines series, The Mortal Instruments series, Divergent series, The Fault in Our Stars :(, Deadpool, Batman, The Wolf Among Us, Fables comics, and many more. Just ask and I will reply if I like it or not :P and if you like the same things I do feel free to chat! :)

Dislikes: Breaking Bad, Ironman, Thor, Captain America, Scary Movies, and pretty much people in general :P sorry..

Few of my favorite Wattpad stories so far are: How to turn a good girl bad, Little red, Maid for hire, and I love you best friend. I am a sap for cliche stories.

I hope you guys like what i write, first of all I am new to writing so please dont be too judgmental. Also massage me suggestions or just to say hi, i like talking to people :)

Also I follow everyone back so if you want a follower I will gladly follow and if you want reads just let me know! I love reading new things.

  • Some Place no one has ever heard of
  • הצטרףJune 14, 2014

Story by Shhh it is a secret
Winning the Geek Girls Heart by Greninja123
Winning the Geek Girls Heart
Jessica Wayne isn't the typical 16 year old girl. She's what some might refer to as a 'geek', which she doesn...
ranking #76 in geekgirl See all rankings