
Do not be alarmed about the newly published chapter (Chapter 1). I edited a part of it, so feel free to go read it again if you want to... 


Hey guys. Iszy  here... I'm just letting you know that because Grace is going to be away for so long, and won't be back for a month, I'm not going to update until the 18th of January. This is also happening because in a few days I am going on a scout camp for 2 weeks. I won't be able to write during this but me being me I will try and write between now and then, and when I get back :) Thankyou all for being oh so supportive and reading Bear Hugs. We love you all so much, Mwah! xoxo - Iszy


Hey, sorry that this next update is taking so long! My co writer Grace got writers block so I had to write a couple of hundred words to get get her going. Hopefully it will be published in a few days, and the next one won't be very far behind. 
          Sorry if it's painful, but we are really proud of our story so we hope you enjoy it :) Thankyou all for taking time to read our book ! 
          xoxo Iszy