
The actress they cast as Delirium for the Sandman looks exactly how I imagined her! 


Very subtle, but I believe in episode 4 boom the Doctor is singing the Skye boat song, which is very possibly a reference to the Second Doctor. He used to play it on his recorder


that looks weirdly like an unengaging statement now I look at it- read it more like i desperately need to watch the 15th but this is my excuse ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ _/\_


@GryffindorGodric i need to watch that last special 14th doc episode so i can start on the 15th doc lol


Okay I cannot stop thinking about who Ruby’s Sunday’s parents are. Maestro said the oldest one, the one who waits was there the night of her birth. And the one who waits obviously got me thinking about Amy but it’s supposed to be a man, then I thought of Rory, but then I was like nah probably not, and my first thought was Susan because she could regenerate into a guy but I’m pretty sure that she’s Ruby’s mom and she is that woman who keeps appearing in every episode. So I’m wondering if Maestro is talking about Jack Harkness because he is potentially the oldest being in the universe. I’m not saying he’s related to Ruby but I think he could have been there that Christmas. Ugh I’m so stumped