
This week has taught be an important lesson about trust; that is, be *very* careful who you give it to.


@Gumnny_fans Very, VERY true. I truly wish the world was not so deceitful and disingenuous at times....


In stately halls where symphonies reside,
          A timeless elegance greets every ear,
          The classical style, a noble guide,
          With formal grace, its melodies appear.
          Like gentle breeze through ancient Grecian halls,
          Each note resounds with refined harmony,
          From grand pianos to the violins' calls,
          A sonorous embrace of dignity.
          The strings, they dance with utmost poise and trace,
          As cellos sing with deep and tender sighs,
          While flutes and oboes flutter through the space,
          Their melodies like birds on gentle skies.
          Oh, classical font, your regal embrace,
          Enchants our souls with elegance and grace.


I will try to be there virtually for all those who choose to leave this platform which we had all previously met on. In some cases, this choice will mark the end of our friendship as I will have no other way of contacting them. I am not mad by any means. I do however believe it is important to give my best wishes to friends who decide to leave this platform.
          Love all of you dearly <3


@Fall_Spice I definitely don't plan on leaving anytime soon, unless something drastically changes at Wattpad. Glad to see you're okay Gummny! :D


Y’all ever just playing some video games, maybe trash talking in a playful way here or there and then meet that one mf who has the coldest comeback you’ve ever heard?
          No? Well, I’ve got a story for you:
          As one does, I was playing some Minecraft duels. I meet this guy, we exchange our “good lucks” then the first round ends in my victory. Naturally, I trash talk a bit, nothing too bad or serious. I expected him to say the usual “Nah run it back” or something like that…
          THIS LEVEL 1 MOTHER**** SAID “You can’t read a book that hasn’t been written.” 
          (I lost after that btw T-T)


He literally took that personally! 


@SpartaofGreece omg, lmao! That sounds like Such a funny philosophical comeback, just for Minecraft Duels. Like it’s so serious that it’s funny  


@Fall_Spice Woah....that dude activated his trap card on you! 


Alright I feel like it’s necessary to see who’s still alive and who’s not. (You don’t have to respond if you prefer not to)


@Fall_Spice been going pretty smooth! Just working on my stories, artwork, and a lot of fun new ideas! I love the autumn season, it’s so beautiful.


@Fall_Spice It's been pretty good so far! Just going by REALLY fast lol


@Gumball_fan_247 @SpartaofGreece Nice to hear from you guys! How have your autumn seasons been?