
Has anyone here read haunting Adeline? or the author’s other books bc back when I read it i was in a dark place—I don’t remember much but I just went with the flow & the characters. what i didn’t realise up until now just how horrible zade was. & the fact that he’s a r*pist. much like her other book with her other mmc named Enzo or something like that who was btw much worse than zade. 
          	Back then I wasn’t mature enough to understand the severity of the issue but now when I really think of it, the author tried to categorize & romanticise r*pe under the name of CNC which was btw very inaccurately described in the book. I don’t know what I was thinking when I read this book. & her other book too. 


@bllalisa it really was. Bc as someone who knows about CNC this was not CNC.  let’s also not forget the belt scene. There’s her other book “does it hurt,” where the mmc does something like that or imo, it was much worse. Dark romance shouldn’t be categorized under the name of SA done by the characters themselves. or toxic relationships. that is NOT what dark romance is. I’m gonna need healthy dark romance books .


@H_bklover I tried reading Haunting Adeline. It was my friend's. I wanted to see what the hype was about. The famous gun scene was disappointing. It was sexual assault. I stopped reading after that. No sane adult reads and praises such things. It wasnt CNC at all. It was assault. Corn addiction in disguise smh. If girls are supporting such things how can one blame just boys?


Has anyone here read haunting Adeline? or the author’s other books bc back when I read it i was in a dark place—I don’t remember much but I just went with the flow & the characters. what i didn’t realise up until now just how horrible zade was. & the fact that he’s a r*pist. much like her other book with her other mmc named Enzo or something like that who was btw much worse than zade. 
          Back then I wasn’t mature enough to understand the severity of the issue but now when I really think of it, the author tried to categorize & romanticise r*pe under the name of CNC which was btw very inaccurately described in the book. I don’t know what I was thinking when I read this book. & her other book too. 


@bllalisa it really was. Bc as someone who knows about CNC this was not CNC.  let’s also not forget the belt scene. There’s her other book “does it hurt,” where the mmc does something like that or imo, it was much worse. Dark romance shouldn’t be categorized under the name of SA done by the characters themselves. or toxic relationships. that is NOT what dark romance is. I’m gonna need healthy dark romance books .


@H_bklover I tried reading Haunting Adeline. It was my friend's. I wanted to see what the hype was about. The famous gun scene was disappointing. It was sexual assault. I stopped reading after that. No sane adult reads and praises such things. It wasnt CNC at all. It was assault. Corn addiction in disguise smh. If girls are supporting such things how can one blame just boys?


Anyone still active on here?


@H_bklover hii
            nice to finally talk to someone on here
            this is the first time i'm interacting with someone on wattpad despite being active since almost 5 years


Ain’t no way someone who doesn’t know how abuse works clearly stated in a comment section which I refuted by the way said, “I feel sad for you, you must be lonely,” ?? aren’t you the one who thought everything is sunshine and rainbow in a victim’s world and how it must be easy for them to come forward & tell someone they’re being abused? even to their closest ones? news flash: no no it’s not easy at all. do these people know the fear abuser instill in victims? why is it always people (who’s got 0 knowledge about this) seem to run their mouth the most? it makes them look stupid.


@H_bklover yess exactly. its difficult to talk abt it because you always have the fear of being seen as weak or them not believing you or them saying that it is nothing, it's just playing, like what


@LostPages17 exactly. Like people don’t know how difficult it is for them & what they’ve gone through. Like it’s absolutely very difficult to tell people the abuse you’ve been through.  because there’s always the chance that others won’t believe them. 


@H_bklover if it isn't even easy to say i love you why do people assume its easy to say that something wrong is going on. i know not a great analogy but like its the victims choice and their story. butting your nose in others business is just rude even if you think you're helping them.


Hii. does anyone here have ocd? If so, how do y’all deal with the intrusive thoughts and images?


I just don’t, it’s probably not healthy but I allow all my thoughts to past and give in to my tendencies. When they’re gone however I reflect and write down everything i’ve felt and thought of so the next time it happens i’ll be more self aware in a way… everyone is different tho ml


I turned 20 today. can someone tell me just how did y’all navigate towards adulthood because I’m not ready. *cries*


@H_bklover Favorite quote so far: "Adulthood is like a bowl of soup & I'm sadly a fork"
            But to give some advice to you: You will never be ready for life. Even the most successful of people are still thinking "damn i need my parent for this". Also please don't compare your chapter 20 to someone's chapter 60. Meaning just because everyone around you is on different levels of their lives doesn't mean you have to be either. Remember to take deep breaths and try your best to be simply you. Do things that make you happy. 
            I'm turning 21 in three months and I literally cried in my moms arms. You are going to be okay!


@H_bklover Happy Birthday. It's been a while. Hope you're doing well.


Happy birthday  
            I still don’t know what I’m doing  and I’m 22