
Hey to whoever still was waiting on a new chapter, sorry that it has been long, but the truth is a lot of stuff happened that made me unable to get the creative juices flowing that when I did finally get time to do so I had many ideas...many sadly about how I could have done a scenario better in a few of these in the story, so I wish to rectify it and start fresh and new, from now on I will post a new part every week after the new one is posted, the same characters, same world, but slightly reimagined with hopefully a better mind set.


Quick question do you actually play Halo


@GreatWhite81 yep, all of them though without a benefit of the doubt the original trilogy were the best!


Hey to whoever still was waiting on a new chapter, sorry that it has been long, but the truth is a lot of stuff happened that made me unable to get the creative juices flowing that when I did finally get time to do so I had many ideas...many sadly about how I could have done a scenario better in a few of these in the story, so I wish to rectify it and start fresh and new, from now on I will post a new part every week after the new one is posted, the same characters, same world, but slightly reimagined with hopefully a better mind set.


I sent an Angel to watch over you yesterday, but they came back. I asked them 'Why', they chuckled, "Angels don't watch over other angels" Twenty angels are in your world, 10 of them are sleeping and 9 of them aren't and one of them is reading this message. The universe has seen you struggling with some days, it's over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in Karma, send this to 14 of your friends, including me. If I don't get this back I'm not one of them. (As soon as you get 5 back, someone you love will quietly surprise you...Not joking) Pass this message on and don't ignore it. You are being tested. Karma is going to fix two big things tonight in your favor. If you believe in karma, drop everything and pass this on. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. Send this to 14 friends in 10 minutes, it's not that hard. Whoever sends it to you must care about you.


@Wollfe123 has inspired me to say my own two thoughts on a long and may I say stupid way to live...Bullying...Trolling...Dipping... whatever it is called these days, it doesn't matter what it is called really more so than what it does...now I think critical is one thing, those are just fine, it is when you go so far as to ruin a person's feelings...listen in this pandemic we all are trying to live the best life we can and one of the only safe ways to live life right now is through online sources and to constantly bombard a person with useless insults, ones that doesn't wish for them to improve but more so change their entire personality to suit your own needs...that to me is simply wrong...when you tell a person to change their personality you are telling to be a whole other person...and that is fine when the person does so willingly and not peer pressured...all you get is someone who thinks they are useless...a mistake...a poser...a noob...not real...and then they do things that are sadly final like ending one's own life...I can only hope and pray that the one's who fall into said spiral find a better and less harsh world...and trust me I understand that it may not be the same for every troll...maybe you yourself feel inadequate or useless...I understand that but as a story once told me you simply won't fill your bucket by dipping into others...all you do is make the world a lot less loving...and more colder...like we need more cruelty in it...now that doesn't mean I can't take criticism or the rouge insult here and there but that is only because I make my resolve strong even if myself is not...to believe another good moment is on the other side of this barren world of sadness...so if you do insult me for saying this than just know I will take it in stride...writing stories was never about making fans or even helping others with their day by making an interesting story to read...I write because I want to and because I rather post my thoughts instead of let them die


@Halocritic woah! good on you for doing this mate!


Hey, the story "mask" or something like that, I can't open it


That nice, I'm just over checking my story for any spelling errors and seeing if it made sense.


@Flaviou44 good good, struggling to not make spelling errors on my stories unfortunately impossible on phone, new chapter came out when you messaged me, the story will really get going next chapter by the way...The first case of the story mind you.


Anyways, how are you?


I used his hint of recycling a little more differently, I stopped scrambling each word and instead looked at the word happy, there is 2 letters in it that can be flipped, the p's made into lower case d and what do you get, HADDY, a word which apparently means modest, but if you put them together as HAPPY HADDY you can find a great quote from said author which talks about strong moments life involving pain, sadness, excitement. It may not be correct but what a coincidence if it is not.