
Hi everybody!!!


Okay, hey guys... um I just... I found out today that my old best friend(she's still like my sister, even tho we don't talk anymore.) I found out she's in the hospital. They thought she had a stoke, but she didn't...They found something in her brain that may be a tumor. She's supposed to be fine, but last time this happened, a really close friend of ours died. And so... I'm really worried. And plus, my current best friend's dad was diagnosed with bipolar schizophrenia. And that is just.... I know you guys don't care, and I'm not trying to get sympathy or anything. I just need to tell someone, so.... yea.  I'm going to go cry my eyes out now.


@LittleMissNight Of couse, I'll keep you posted.


@LittleMissNight  Thanks...I'm just scared that... last time someone had a brain tumor, she died not even a week later. And None of us can handle losing her too.