
Hey lovelies :) I know I keep disappearing, and I'm so sorry. I'd love to get back in touch though. Message me :)


Has anyone seen my newest piece? I posted it today but wattpad and I seem to be having problems


@jkstoryaddict yeah! It wasn't showing up for me for some reason 


@HardcoreAngel Just saw it! "flashbacks" right?


Guess I was tagged to do a 10 question thing by the lovely @FlaminUnicornOfDeath soooooo lezgo
          1. Your nickname : Uhhh I don't know. I've had quite a few....I guess the ones that have stayed the most prominent are "Kaike" (kay-key, it's my baby name) and "Kitty"
          2. Your eye colour : Hazel Greenish?
          3. Your hair colour : Blonde
          4. One fact about you : I know sign language :P
          5. Favourite colour : Black and blue. (sounds like a bruise :P)
          6. Favourite place : Does my boyfriend's arms count?
          7. Favourite Celebrity : Will Smith. Beautiful man. 
          8. Favourite Animal : Probabblllyyy dogs
          9. Favourite Song : Way, way too many to count. Possibly "Can You Hold Me" by NF. The musicality is just....ermergersh.  
          10. Favourite book : Honestly? No clue. 
          I'm supposed to tag now? Ummmmm


@HardcoreAngel Oh my god. You are back haha


Hey all,
          I know it's been a long time, yet again, but I'm here. 
          I plan to start working on a book, Flicker. Some of you might know it already, most of you probably not. I'll be reworking a lot of things and trying to create a wonderful novel.
          I'm looking for an artist, whether someone who draws/paints, or a digital artist, to help me out.
          If you or someone you might know could be interested, please take a look at 
          or PM me.
          Thank you