
UPDATE: So I've been sick for the past few days, let alone the crazy amount of stress that I have to deal with. I won't be able to write new chapters for a while until everything is settled down. So I hope you guys will continue to wait for me until I'm able to write again. If you guys have lost patience and can't wait any longer, then that's fine, I totally understand why. I just hope things get better quickly so I can come back to writing.


hope you get well 


@HaremWriter quality things comes to those that wait


UPDATE: So I've been sick for the past few days, let alone the crazy amount of stress that I have to deal with. I won't be able to write new chapters for a while until everything is settled down. So I hope you guys will continue to wait for me until I'm able to write again. If you guys have lost patience and can't wait any longer, then that's fine, I totally understand why. I just hope things get better quickly so I can come back to writing.


hope you get well 


@HaremWriter quality things comes to those that wait


Hey everyone, I'm still here; I haven't updated anything yet do to IRL problems at the moment. I just hope you guys will be patient enough for me to come back. I'm sorry for the lack of active updates, hope you guys understand.


@HaremWriter No worries, I've been waiting for GTA 6 for years now, so I can wait for you updates. Oh, and could you consider updating your Fate/Harem series?


@Haremwriter i’m just glad that your doing good


Just want to know if you're ok pal, take your time


          I need to point this out, I do not play Gacha games, I go to YouTube to watch the Gameplay and Stories of the Gachas, especially the ones I'm interested in the most. NIKKE is the most Gacha Game that has caught most of my interest. 
          The other stories that I have and haven't been updated in a long time are going to wait, I've lost interest in most of my other stories and I don't know if I ever go back to those.
          My IRL stuff is still keeping me busy and tired with barely any time for myself, I literally had to stay up all the way until midnight to publish some Chapters out for my Nikke book which made me even more tired then usually. I don't want to abandon writing since it's my why to fulfill my fantasies, but to also keep you guy entertained even though my writing isn't any good then the other authors with their Nikke books.
          Anyway, I hope you guys will be patient for me when waiting for future chapters of my Nikke story since it's probably the only book I'm going to be focusing on the most. I hope you guys understand.


That’s life and life moment dude, life is a bitch


@HaremWriter I know how you feel, bro, being overwhelmed with tasks, and school doesn't always help much, I'm also a story maker, I still have to go to school, I still stay up until 7 In the morning, just to post some chapters, right now I have 5 stories posted, some of them are like rewriting or on hiatus, but don't give up bro, rest, we can wait


The most curious thing is that months later, in chapter 24, Siyuen would be accused by Enikk and sentenced to convert to Nikke.
          only to have in chapter 25 enikk say that he cannot accuse Siyuen or strip her of her power because the consequences for Missilis would be too serious for the Ark to handle.
          but in this version I imagine that it was the central government that gave the order to strip Siyuen of its power and that the commander be the one who had the last word, but Enikk tried to convince the government to take another option, but the government simply ignored or He told Enikk to shut his mouth and that Siyuen is a threat to humanity if he stays in power.
          because enikk does not allow anyone to give a sentencing option.
          I say this in case you saw chapters 25 and 26.
          I imagine that it was the central government that gave the order to give the commander the option of stripping Siyuen of his power or keeping it, right?
          yes that's how it is. How did Enikk react to that?


May I ask why you discontinued the girls Frontline one and if you’re still going to discontinue it is it possible to give it to somebody else to continue writing because it’s very fun it’s very hard to find ones with decent page amounts


@HaremWriter is there a reason why you discontinued girls frontline?


@123456HKX now you mention it you got a point it’s been like a year that you discontinued girls frontline


Hey guys, so quick update of what's happening, still struggling through a lot things that I have to deal with right now. So no Future Chapters to be published yet, so sorry guys. I'm not sure how long this real struggle is going to take, I'm just so worn out. I just hope that you guys will be patient for my return.


@HaremWriter take you time man and I like you’re story’s so keep up the good work and I hope you do well 


@HaremWriter understandable have a good day✌


@HaremWriter Take things one step at a time. It will pass