
This is an original story written by my best friend, this is her first book.
          	Title: Living Less
          	Author: AkumaShi1 (Wattpad) u/AkumaMoonShi (reddit)
          	Action, Emotional, fear, general fiction, horror-thriller, terror
          	Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/312885845?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Harlgg&wp_originator=0h6kKICN%2F4Gw%2BMnPmquvSd9IBB91tmlR9TXLQ%2FHdQG%2BaQxLzTVXmVsgfTkPvzaGpXtU9dZdBdXSgKfniRpS3fWpBUFLK9%2BYVaw67mMgSQwg4wAo2tZ2X4ZemlYBSqNZt
          	Description: A mind written story of people living with some of their worst fears as either curses or powers. The Goal of the main character is to try to heal those who have curses to help their lives become better. With Moon as our main character and Harli as the confidant can they stand up to the curses of an ungodly being?
          	"You've spent a lot of time by yourself lately, why haven't you contacted anyone recently? Your friends have been worrying some since this isn't like you, something going on?" Harli asks.
          	"Just, not been feeling well, could be a cold." I say knowing damn well that I don't. It's clear we all have our secrets even with the people we hold dearest to us.


This is an original story written by my best friend, this is her first book.
          Title: Living Less
          Author: AkumaShi1 (Wattpad) u/AkumaMoonShi (reddit)
          Action, Emotional, fear, general fiction, horror-thriller, terror
          Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/312885845?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Harlgg&wp_originator=0h6kKICN%2F4Gw%2BMnPmquvSd9IBB91tmlR9TXLQ%2FHdQG%2BaQxLzTVXmVsgfTkPvzaGpXtU9dZdBdXSgKfniRpS3fWpBUFLK9%2BYVaw67mMgSQwg4wAo2tZ2X4ZemlYBSqNZt
          Description: A mind written story of people living with some of their worst fears as either curses or powers. The Goal of the main character is to try to heal those who have curses to help their lives become better. With Moon as our main character and Harli as the confidant can they stand up to the curses of an ungodly being?
          "You've spent a lot of time by yourself lately, why haven't you contacted anyone recently? Your friends have been worrying some since this isn't like you, something going on?" Harli asks.
          "Just, not been feeling well, could be a cold." I say knowing damn well that I don't. It's clear we all have our secrets even with the people we hold dearest to us.