
@Allonsy2ZatDamImpala hi! Thank you. Very nice to meet you Katie. How are you? 


@Harry_Osborn_ good and you're welcome just gotta say one thing that I hate that no one else ever mentioned the scene where you were crying and then cheered up when Spiderman came equally grew and broke my heart I hate that Peter had to do that to you he could have helped you in a way other than the blood maybe Gwen could help some how to save you then happily ever after I guess I hated that it ended that way


@Allonsy2ZatDamImpala hi! Thank you. Very nice to meet you Katie. How are you? 


@Harry_Osborn_ good and you're welcome just gotta say one thing that I hate that no one else ever mentioned the scene where you were crying and then cheered up when Spiderman came equally grew and broke my heart I hate that Peter had to do that to you he could have helped you in a way other than the blood maybe Gwen could help some how to save you then happily ever after I guess I hated that it ended that way


wow I hate these moments I say hi the certain person says hi back getting a 'just saying hi to be nice could care less ' vibe but hey might as well try right? so hi katie stark big fan love the way you turn into a awesome green goblin honestly I like you better than peter he's nice and all but you've got this ... vibe? Sounds stupid I know so yeah by the way love the coffee