
So for my poetry class we can choose to bring in a poem we wrote previously for a peer edit. I was looking back and WOW my writing has grown so much. I'm reading all of my old poems and its like nails on a chalkboard. Where was my enjambment? All my lines had no punctuation and began with capital letters. I thought cliches were a great way to say what i wanted, they were easy to relate to, WRONG... I plan on posting my poems from the class as soon as summer break starts (i wish there was a way to divide my poems into groups, pre class and post class, i feel like i don't want to take them off of my account but i don't want people to come across them and judge my entire profile based solely on my not so great poems) 
          	Thanks for the patience and support :)


So for my poetry class we can choose to bring in a poem we wrote previously for a peer edit. I was looking back and WOW my writing has grown so much. I'm reading all of my old poems and its like nails on a chalkboard. Where was my enjambment? All my lines had no punctuation and began with capital letters. I thought cliches were a great way to say what i wanted, they were easy to relate to, WRONG... I plan on posting my poems from the class as soon as summer break starts (i wish there was a way to divide my poems into groups, pre class and post class, i feel like i don't want to take them off of my account but i don't want people to come across them and judge my entire profile based solely on my not so great poems) 
          Thanks for the patience and support :)


Guess who's starting a poetry class in a week? :D
          It was an elective for my Psychology degree. I'm just a bit excited, nothing quite like generating.new material and learning at the same time :)
          Hope to have something to show you guys in the following weeks.
          As always thanks for the love and support. <3


I posted a new, short chapter for Operation Horan and uploaded a the poem i had talked about before, Life's Monotony. I hope you enjoy them, whatever your preference may be. 
          College is going good, it's pretty intense. But i miss being active in the Wattpad community and am going to try to start writing more. The poem i just posted was the last quality writing i've done in a while and that was about three months ago. That's three months too long. Expect more soon!
           Thanks for all the love and support <3


Hey guys! Miss me? 
          I plan on posting an older poem, one I wrote before school started, really soon.
          School's going great, first semester of community college. :) 
          I'm crazy busy, but have still kept writing. I haven't produced anything worth reading in the past few months, unless you count the personal essay and review I had to write for my english class.
          I've written bits of poetry, but nothing quite solid. I can't tell if it's because I'm that busy, have prolonged writers block, or I'm just procrastinating.
          As always thanks for the support :D


I just posted Tonight's Thoughts.
          It's what i write based on what i'm feeling. They're not poems, there's a few one liners and a really long one (4.)
          They're not titled either because they're my thoughts and feeling and i don't think that they can easily be explained in a few words.
            So yeah... it'd mean a lot if you checked it out.
          As always thanks for all the love and support :D <3


Here's what I would suggest: Go back, edit the older stuff until you're happy, and then write some more. As far as what I'd like to see, I think it would be cool if Niall and the guys came to Jackie's city for a concert or event, and then she invited Niall to dinner on the same night that Tom is over for dinner, and then the two guys almost get into some sort of fight or something like that.


@elisheba27  Thanks again haha :3 
            I hope you can get it and it comes together :)
            And yeah same, the whole time i kept thinking of the people that did/do like Operation Horan and my lack of direction and motivation. That's about to change though :D


@Hashack11 take it. I don't care. I'm having trouble sitting down and finishing a chapter I'm working on. and I feel bad for my readers too


@elisheba27 Thanks  so much! And that's a really good idea, i don't want to necessarily copy it, but i'll probably use the general basis and tweak it a little. :D


I just posted a poem called Life in a Needle, which highlights a few of the struggles a young girl goes through with her addiction to Heroine. This poem was inspired by a highly recommended movie called Perfect High. It's so eye opening, and truly inspiring. 
          To all those struggling with an addiction the number to a completely private 24/7 Alcoholics Cocaine & Narcotics Anonymous helpline is (Toll Free) 1-888-827-7180. 
          You're not alone. 
          I care and so do so many others.
          Stay strong! <3


I can't tell you how thankful i am to have been part of the Wattpad community for two years. I have read so many amazing pieces, wether it's  stories or poems or even fanfics. I've connected with so many amazing people, and it's all because of this beautiful site. 
          And i just have to say thank you to all of those that have read my poems (and the fanfic too) and have just supported me wether it was bumping that read count one number higher, voting, or commenting... telling me you liked it or how to better my writing. I can't even express how thankful i am for your support. You're the ones that encourage me to keep writing. Just to know i have someone that cares about my thoughts, my feelings, even if it was just for a single poem or even a single phrase... to know someone is there and willing to understand what i have to say... I just honestly can't thank you enough.
          You've made these last two years (and a couple months) amazing. <3