
it's been MONTHS since i last opened wattpad and scrolling through everything, "damn things have changed!"
          	HELLO (it's me) (i love you adele) to those who followed me (yes i finally followed you back) and assalamualaikum to my Malaysian friends :) [wattpad should have emojis they make things look so much nicer]
          	i have resorted to the conclusion that i might only have time for weird random poetry so i'll be doing that.  [note to self: major editing needed please don't procrastinate yay] DOES ANYONE WANT ME TO DO MALAY POETRY OR CERPEN I SWEAR I'M NOT TOO BAD AT IT hahaha
          	BEING MALAY is a new 'collage of spoken word poetry' which have only been performed by myself to myself (that's life, it sucks sometimes). It's not racist in any way, I would call it an indiscreet rally with banners of "I'M PROUD TO BE MALAY" strewn all across town (it's just for one poem the rest are all weirdly freestyle like yours truly). Discrimination against Malays in Singapore isn't too heavy an issue, but nonetheless it's still an issue worth the concern. Hope you have an extraordinary week ahead, and don't forget to check this 'newbie' out, please? :) let us spread the love of poetry (i feel like brutus now)
          	hello again,
          	Hasif. (oh God it's 3.30 am)


Assalamualaikum dan Thanks sbb follow back..
          Saya mohon jasa baik awk untuk singgah check citer saya jap ><
          Klu awk suka,awk vote tau 
          Klu awk ada pertanyaan atau apa2,komen atau mesej saya,inshaallah saya balas kalau berkesempatan.
          Klu awk rajin,share lah citer2 saya pada orang tersayang yea[=^~^=]
          Cinta Singkat-1st story saya 
          Junior Aku Itu Suami Aku-2nd story saya 
          Terima kasih


Assalamualaikum dan Thanks sbb follow back..
          Saya mohon jasa baik awk untuk singgah check citer saya jap ><
          Klu awk suka,awk vote tau 
          Klu awk ada pertanyaan atau apa2,komen atau mesej saya,inshaallah saya balas kalau berkesempatan.
          Klu awk rajin,share lah citer2 saya pada orang tersayang yea[=^~^=]
          Inshaallah saya akan baca,vote dan share cerita awak
          Cinta Singkat-1st story saya 
          Junior Aku Itu Suami Aku-2nd story saya 


it's been MONTHS since i last opened wattpad and scrolling through everything, "damn things have changed!"
          HELLO (it's me) (i love you adele) to those who followed me (yes i finally followed you back) and assalamualaikum to my Malaysian friends :) [wattpad should have emojis they make things look so much nicer]
          i have resorted to the conclusion that i might only have time for weird random poetry so i'll be doing that.  [note to self: major editing needed please don't procrastinate yay] DOES ANYONE WANT ME TO DO MALAY POETRY OR CERPEN I SWEAR I'M NOT TOO BAD AT IT hahaha
          BEING MALAY is a new 'collage of spoken word poetry' which have only been performed by myself to myself (that's life, it sucks sometimes). It's not racist in any way, I would call it an indiscreet rally with banners of "I'M PROUD TO BE MALAY" strewn all across town (it's just for one poem the rest are all weirdly freestyle like yours truly). Discrimination against Malays in Singapore isn't too heavy an issue, but nonetheless it's still an issue worth the concern. Hope you have an extraordinary week ahead, and don't forget to check this 'newbie' out, please? :) let us spread the love of poetry (i feel like brutus now)
          hello again,
          Hasif. (oh God it's 3.30 am)


Oh shoot I just missed World Poetry Day :( I probably still think it's a great day. If you're still enjoying Saturday wherever you are, Happy World Poetry Day 2015! :D Wishing all poets a blessed year ahead with more amazing poems waiting to be read!


Sorry I've been busy lately (we've all been busy lately). I've updated My Life In A Subshell (MLIAS) ::
             [Lesson #2: Elements] >  http://www.wattpad.com/111891184-my-life-in-a-subshell-lesson-2-elements
             [Author's Post-It Note] > http://www.wattpad.com/111895681-my-life-in-a-subshell-author%27s-post-it-note
               Good news! (I hope) I've decided to start on a new anthology of poems! Thank you guys so much for all the support in PPP and this time I'll follow by a common topic: Ads. 
             [The World Of Advertisements (NEW WORK)] > http://www.wattpad.com/111897785-the-world-of-advertisements-the-%27surreal%27-subway?d=ud
             Do check that out as well if you'd like to - means the whole world to me! :D All the best with whatever endeavors you might have and till then, au revoir!


@apostropheA Alhamdulilah, JazakAllah Khair! :D You too, and all the best with Speculum! ~


@Hasif23 Thanks for adding Speculum to your reading list! Will check out your new work soon InshaAllah! :) Take care!