
https://www.wattpad.com/story/40308940-reasons-i-will-not-give-your-story-a-chance  Reasons I Will Not Give Your Story a Chance made the Hot List for Non-Fiction?  When the heck did that happen?  I took screenshots because I know that will never happen again, and it won't last.  I'm surprised it made it at all with only a little over 100 reads, 3 votes and 6 comments (half of which are mine because I like replying to people).  That's pretty crazy.  There must have been some mistake.  I still can't believe it.  O.O"


I loved your story cheater. It was sooo fun to read! I was suprised Kyoya thought it was her brother instead of her. I knew it was her from when it started.


@DragonlordsRise I might. Right now. I'm thinking I'll wait because the original was so good


@DragonlordsRise If you want to read from Kasumi's point of view, I have a Reader-Insert version, which is basically this story, but from her point of view, but her full name is never mentioned.  (Someone requested a Reader-Insert, so I decided to experiment.)


@DragonlordsRise huh. either way I'm happy. I was one of the few who stayed with their guess and was right


https://www.wattpad.com/story/40308940-reasons-i-will-not-give-your-story-a-chance  Reasons I Will Not Give Your Story a Chance made the Hot List for Non-Fiction?  When the heck did that happen?  I took screenshots because I know that will never happen again, and it won't last.  I'm surprised it made it at all with only a little over 100 reads, 3 votes and 6 comments (half of which are mine because I like replying to people).  That's pretty crazy.  There must have been some mistake.  I still can't believe it.  O.O"


Finally started on the sequel to Cheater! (an Ouran High School Host Club fan fiction).  After some thought, I've decided to only write the sequel for the OC version.  Cheater! has two versions:  KyoyaxOC with a fully described extra character in which the story is told from Kyoya's point of view, and the KyoyaxReader version because someone requested it and I thought it would be fun to try at least once, and I was curious as to see how popular either version would get on different websites.  The stats are surprising.  Unfortunately, despite the reader version being more popular on the other sites in comparison on other websites, with Wattpad being the sole exception because I had entered the OC version in a one-shot contest, and it was one of the winners, I really much better prefer writing with OCs than with Reader-Inserts.  And these stories are more to do with Kyoya's journey, so there are things I want him to learn, but I found that it isn't as well-portrayed in any way other than Kyoya's point of view.  In theory I could write in Kyoya's point of view and still have a Reader-Insert story, but then it would just feel like a copy-paste-and-replace job, and I don't want to do that.  All in all, I just like writing with OCs better than Readers.  Both versions of Cheater! are spectacular (so I've been told numerous times) so for those die-hard RI fans, maybe you could give the OC version a chance so the sequel won't be too much of a let-down because I wont be writing a RI version?


@HatedLove6 definitely do it oc I honestly much prefer those to reader insert.


          wanted to stop by and say that i can gather you're an amazing person and your linguistic tongue is off the charts. i'm seriously considering just skipping my english lit and coming to you, since your articulation fluctuates more nicely than anyone i think will ever accomplish. 
          also, if you don't think i'm overstepping any lines, that while your stories seem profoundly interesting, you might want to consider getting someone to create more appealing covers for you. unfortunately, many people seem to dub a story by their cover even when the metaphor suggests otherwise, and i think your writing is pretty amazing. just a little suggestion, sorry again if you felt like it was out of line!
          have an amazing day, by the way c:


@sarena_a   The website is helpful; although all it does is go to the advanced search options of the websites and alters the usage rights.  If you know how to do that, then any search engine would do just as well.  It's not that I don't know how to get public domain images, I just don't tend to trust other people to know how.
            And, again, payment tends to be an issue.  I'm picky with what stories I like, and so not a whole lot impresses me anymore.  I don't want to vote on stories I don't genuinely like, and the same goes for following people I may not like.  As for commenting on stories, I would prefer not to.  I don't tend to pull my punches when it comes to punctuation or grammar errors, and I'm highly opinionated, even when I do really like the stories.  This has gotten me into a bit of trouble with white knights on this site.
            Bah, my poetry.  I'm not very proud of my own poetry, if only because I enjoy writing stories more.  I have a journal somewhere with more of my poetry, but they're old.  Really old.  Almost a decade old.  Those two poems were written after high school, but older than that and I shudder.


if you're interested in trying to find non-copyrighted images, here's a pretty reliable link! https://search.creativecommons.org/ 
            I'm taking a look at your poetry, "The Occasional Verse" and I think you've seriously got a talent there. Plus, it does help knowing my love for poetry in general, haha. 
            My opinion is as a writer on Wattpad, I'd seriously consider trying to step out of your comfort zone for covers. You wouldn't believe how amazing people feel when you ask them to make them a graphic -- I'm telling you from personal experience, you're not a hassle and your request isn't invalid. Simply, you're just someone asking for someone else's talent, and trust me, it's usually a win/win situation. But, of course, you're entitled to whatever you wish to do!
            I'm not that fantastic at covers, so I don't really have much advice to give, novice to novice, but I wish you all the best in whatever you pursue!


@sarena_a   Thank you very much, and I'm glad you're liking my works (which I'm rather curious as to what you've read).  Please don't ditch your english lit class.  You can learn things there, especially from the grammar books that are recommended for the class (if you're in college).
            I know my covers here are crap.  There are only two covers here I made without using Wattpad's create-a-cover (The Star Gods Encyclopedia, and A Smile to Hide (CYOA/WWYFF)), but the thing is most of my things here are writing guides or Mary-Sue guides, which are all non-fiction works, and it seems almost redundant to make a separate cover for each one.  On QuoteV I made covers, but they're pretty basic.  I have a cover for non-fiction (general writing guides), Mary-Sues, polls and surveys, and for quizzes, but they aren't individualized.  I'm going to switch the Wattpad covers here for the appropriate covers I made, but it really isn't much.
            Overall, I just plain hate asking people for anything (comments, votes, favorites, just anything).  I've perused the Multimedia Designs Club, but, while some people are amazing with what they're able to do, I just hate asking people.  It could be because some people don't understand the difference between copyrighted and public domain images, or it could be because of the whole "payment" issue.  
            Don't worry.  You weren't overstepping any boundaries, and thank you for voicing out your opinions.  :)  I'll switch out the covers today, so don't be afraid to tell me what you think on the simple-and-generalized covers. lol


@heatherlovatt I saw the thing about new profile layouts.  I'm all for it, personally, but when I clicked on someone's icon, there was a pop-up bar that gave the option.  I don't know if it was temporarily keeping your old layout, or what, but I clicked on keeping the old layout.  I haven't seen it again, so I don't know.  I know I clicked on something.


To anyone reading A Smile to Hide, a CYOA / WWYFF romance-mystery with a slash of paranormal/fantasy, until I receive my story notes, I cannot continue the story.  I recently moved out of state and couldn't take everything with me at once, and, unfortunately, I didn't take my journals with me.  Please understand, because this story is a CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) with chapters leading to all-over the place, I know if I try it continue, I'll just get myself confused later when I do get my journal back.  It's not even just the chapter map, I have character notes for teachers and parapsychology notes in there too.  
          I'm sorry for the delay, but I hope you understand.  Until I get my journal back, I've been rewriting by hand the story, and I've been fixing a ton of errors I've overlooked, and I've been working on getting rid of all the Kimberly, so you won't have a first name.  I can't get rid of Upshaw, your sir name, but that's completely fine to me.  Goosebumps left the last name in some of their interactive stories, so it's fine.  It's definitely better than the "(Name)," (fn/ln)," "------," or "_____."  In the meantime, if you have any questions for A Smile to Hide, the universe, characters, research, whatever, you can ask in Fintan's Academy Q&A.
          What else have I been doing?  Oh, writing a reader-insert version of Cheater!  I'm sure all the reader-insert fans are excited to see that.  I've already thought about writing a sequel, but I want to get the reader-insert version out first.  I hope no one minds.  And don't worry, the reader-insert version will be much different than the OC version.  I'm not just going to replace Kasumi "Mii" Akihiro with "______." That's kind of a cheap thing to do.
          I hope you're all doing well.


@heatherlovatt Actually, I did get paid a lot for that job--my first job ever.  It was at a care center in the kitchen, and my starting pay was $13.19 per hour.  However there weren't any permanent part-time or full time positions available so I was on-call, but people were calling in sick or taking vacations pretty often, so it was alright.  My boss was even kind enough to give me one day a week permanently.  The thing was, because I was on-call, my paycheck was never consistent or reliably consistent, even if it was high most of the time, and California apartments cost more to rent than two-bedroom houses in Missouri.  The one day a week position kept stressing me out, and some of my co-workers had it in for me, causing even more stress and self-doubt, so I couldn't take it.  I aimed my goal for six months, and I did it, and I save up a ton so I'm not too stressed to worry about getting a job immediately (but I will be hunting around).
            Good luck in taking over, or making another, universe.  I saw the Roo thing on Sainted's page, and saw that it's a collaboration.  I'll take a closer look at it later.  Sainted seems nice.  ^-^


@heatherlovatt I still ask people to read my stuff, but it's rare that I do.  If they have something on their profile that makes me think that they would be interested in, or is passionate about a certain subject, I'll send a message.  Or, I'll ask someone to read something if we've become good friends and have come to know each other's interests.  The third condition is if someone has faved something of mine, and I think they might something else I have written.  Other than that, no.  I try not to just randomly ask people to read my stuff.
            I have seen other people overdo it too, which deters me from doing it myself.  What gets me mad is when people comment on other people's stories with a link to their own, with or without a comment of praise on the person's story.  I've done that before, and even though the person was nice and didn't rant at me about it, I regret doing it.  The review section of a person's story is their space, not other people's for their advertisements.
            Another thing that gets me apprehensive about asking for reads is whether or not they would expect the same from me.  It's only polite, of course, but what if I honestly don't have an interest in anything they have written.  The first thing I do is look at people's profile page and see what they have, but if there isn't anything I like, it's not like it would be OK to say, "Hi, I was wondering if you could read a story of mine.  I would do the same, but there isn't anything of yours I don't particularly like.  Sorry."  So if I ask for a read, it's not like I wouldn't like to do something in return, but if I feel that I can't, well, that would be kind of ego-centric of me?  I don't know if that's the right word for it.
            I have asked for comments, but only if someone added or voted for one of my stories and didn't place a comment.  After all, if they didn't like it for one reason or another, they wouldn't have bothered doing that much.