
I was very unhappy with living dead boy aswell as the ending. I was very unhappy writing it and that definitely reflected lol. I may rewrite it out scap it altogether who knows


@HattieShriek  WAIT ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I'VE BEEN WAITING SO LONG just realized i was typing in caps anyways,it would be an honor to be able to read it again


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ur wattpad bio + ur stories r fucked up get off this app and kys


@Titi_chan4 I don't speak spanish


@notmikuhatsune Chica, la críticas por escribir una historia así entre un mayor y un menor cuando número 1:Hay historias mucho peores y no necesariamente solo sobre este ship
            2:En la historia el grabber es menor de edad así que técnicamente no hay nada de malo
            Y numero 3: Tu escribes one shots de los niños de la película y entre uno de los temas que haces, es como tú lo llamas, Spicy
            Así que deja de joder aparte es una mierda que le digas a alguien que se quite la vida solo por una historia


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@notmikuhatsune whats even more ironic is how you’ll say this shit but write sexual content with 14/15 yr olds… take your own advice LMAO


I was very unhappy with living dead boy aswell as the ending. I was very unhappy writing it and that definitely reflected lol. I may rewrite it out scap it altogether who knows


@HattieShriek  WAIT ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I'VE BEEN WAITING SO LONG just realized i was typing in caps anyways,it would be an honor to be able to read it again


Hey pookie I hope your doing okay<3
          I know you went through a lot of hate, love your stories by the way.


@notmikuhatsune no one deserves to go through this and who gives to shits!???


@notmikuhatsune If you seriously don't like the books that this person makes don't read them and don't be a ass 


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@RoesTina66 and yes they do deserve the hate they are pro shipper asshole ☠️


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I’m so confused and genuinely curious what goes through your mind and brain to say “hey let’s make a fan fic between a minor and a pedophile, people will like that right?” Well your wrong the only people who like that type of shit are proshippers or just in general ppl who are fucked up in the mind to think shipping a minor with a grown adult who’s a pedo would be a good relationship