
Does anyone wanna roleplay? Here’s the setting: 

M/C is on an evening stroll with their pit bulls Angel and Typhoon,Angel heard small whimpers coming from the back alley of a restaurant.She was curious and lead herself,along with M/C plus Typhoon towards the noises.Once close enough a small hand could be seen holding a small stuff (favorite Animal),M/C’s eyes widen and get closer to Y/C being worried as it was the dead of winter below 10°,M/C kneels down with a soft worried face trying not a scary Y/C.”Hey little one..what’s are you-“ they were cut off by the sound Y/C breaking down sobbing,they couldn’t be no older the 6.”m-m-Mommy left me..! s-said I-I bad..! L-left me..!” Y/C cries,Typhoon not liking the sound of children cry cuddles up with Y/C and Angel follows.M/C frowns,”How about you come home with me..? I can give you food and a place to sleep.Then in the morning I’ll take you somewhere really nice” M/C smiles holding a hand out to them.Y/C hesitated but took the hand and hugged M/C tight,M/C took off their Coat and wrapped it around Y/C.”There..I know it’s too big but it’ll keep you warm.”

((Respond with a bio and reply.You can pick if my Character is Male or Female)) 


    Does anyone wanna roleplay? Here’s the setting: 
    M/C is on an evening stroll with their pit bulls Angel and Typhoon,Angel heard small whimpers coming from the back alley of a restaurant.She was curious and lead herself,along with M/C plus Typhoon towards the noises.Once close enough a small hand could be seen holding a small stuff (favorite Animal),M/C’s eyes widen and get closer to Y/C being worried as it was the dead of winter below 10°,M/C kneels down with a soft worried face trying not a scary Y/C.”Hey little one..what’s are you-“ they were cut off by the sound Y/C breaking down sobbing,they couldn’t be no older the 6.”m-m-Mommy left me..! s-said I-I bad..! L-left me..!” Y/C cries,Typhoon not liking the sound of children cry cuddles up with Y/C and Angel follows.M/C frowns,”How about you come home with me..? I can give you food and a place to sleep.Then in the morning I’ll take you somewhere really nice” M/C smiles holding a hand out to them.Y/C hesitated but took the hand and hugged M/C tight,M/C took off their Coat and wrapped it around Y/C.”There..I know it’s too big but it’ll keep you warm.”
    ((Respond with a bio and reply.You can pick if my Character is Male or Female)) 


      this message may be offensive
      Did you know that Men with small penises has more chances of getting Daughters? 
      But Men with larger dicks has higher chances so getting sons. 
      Not all Black guys have huge dicks. Because the guy who's fucking my mom has 4 daughters! Along with my Bio father


      this message may be offensive
      So as you all know I'm Transgender,and I've never felt comfortable with my birth name which is Nevaeh,spell it backwards and you get Heaven.But a two years ago I changed it to Skyler because my friends told me it was a nice name for me so I did,but resultly I started feeling like Skyler was to feminine name for me so I did some thinking and I wrote down some names from boys in my class room and I spent two hours on this since I've got eight classes.Then after some time of thinking over the names,I remembered a boy named Ethan who I had a crush on in 7th grade who was really sweet to me and Loved that I was myself,so we dated for about seven months and it was the best time of my life...that boy was my world,but I have a cursed love life and uh..around the time of our Anniversary Ethan had taken his own life since his family hates him because he was gay.Finding out this broke me in pieces and to this day I still feel the pain and it will never go away,I loved Ethan and I'll never stop loving him.After all of my memories with him,I decided that the right name for my would be Ethan,I don't give a FUCK!! what anyone has to say about my name choice.I did this for myself,and only me. 
      For more details on my relationship with Ethan,PM me to know more. 
      Ethan I love you more then my own world...and I'll never forget the first time we kissed...


        I was up untill 4:30am role playing with Dovey and we started RPing a sad moment between Ava and King Dice,and when they said "I love you" I started thinking of them as a couple,then I started to get into Gayer Mode 
        Reader: What's Gayer Mode 
        Me: It's when I'm starting to ship something so much I starts asking VERY gay and girly
        Reader: Oh 
        Anyway,as I was shipping them I was thinking about the ship kids and BOOM!!!!! 
        Ava x King Dice was born!!! 
        Looks like the King has a new Queen~