
If anyone is reading Liberation, Omega---it has been unpublished until further notice. It need hella assistance, and that's putting it lightly. 


this message may be offensive
Okay, I did something and I don't know if it's bad. 
          I was reading a book on here and there was a phrase that just triggered my whole inner writer or something and I ended up writing a whole scene because of that phrase in the book's comment section. It had nothing to do with the books plot(as far as I know) or the scene I was specifically reading at the time. 
          Is that offensive to the author? 
          Is that copyright since its their characters and I wrote a separate sc--- oh shit is that illegal!? I didn't think of that! Shit shit shit. 


@HeartlessFoodwife12 good, wish you good luck and try not to panic too much, it was all in harmless thinking 


@Ja_Ma_Au yeah, I am try to ask them through PM


@HeartlessFoodwife12 I mean... inspiration stems from reading especially for writers it does not seem illegal but yes, a discussion with the author would be the best approach, most likely if they are kind you'll be fine.


Maaaaaan, I'm reading over this essay I had to write for my AP English class and as I'm saying it out loud, I started to realize it sounded wayyyyyyy off. I was getting smut energy from the words I used and I was just like 
          ”whoa now, that's not what this is for” 


Oh and if you need a cover I know people and I do them too, I've done all my covers except for like 2


As of right now, I don't have any new books I plan on making so I don't need one yet, but if I ever do make another book, I'll ask you. ☺️


I was thinking of actually complimenting your covers when I went on your profile earlier, but it was super late at the time. I like the way you do them and the aesthetic they have. 