
I passed the geography exam! The grades will be revealed tomorrow, I think, but I'm highly confident I've written it well. Final exam is PE, which is super easy, running, jumping and push-ups, so yeah, no worries. 
          	Although, I'm quite unhappy the test was that easy, I skipped meals and sleep for days for this. Maybe it was easy exactly because of this, but whatever!


I passed the geography exam! The grades will be revealed tomorrow, I think, but I'm highly confident I've written it well. Final exam is PE, which is super easy, running, jumping and push-ups, so yeah, no worries. 
          Although, I'm quite unhappy the test was that easy, I skipped meals and sleep for days for this. Maybe it was easy exactly because of this, but whatever!


So I've been feeling well these days. It's the month if exams. Yay!
          I know, I know, I'm a nerd. I got 17/20 on grammar, but I'm not proud. 20/20 on history, 18/20 on maths, 20/20 on literature, the teachers didn't even want to hear my answer, because I said too many poems, haha! 
          Now all that's left is English, about which I'm confident, and geography, about which I'm not too confident.
          I'm happiest about literature, though. While I didn't have to say a certain poem, my favorite, the vice principal gave me the opportunity to say whatever I want. And I obviously chose the one I was so excited about! And without even listening to my answer on other subjects, they were so amazed, that they graded me 20/20! The teacher even said she wanted to grade me higher, but she couldn't!
          In my opinion, it wasn't my best performance, though. I could've done better. 


Hi there, so I'm quite busy with school and I have begilloon of different books to read in irl, so it will take me some time to your your book especially with so many people wanting me to read for read. You know what I mean, I love your book it's really interesting but I might need to wait until my next holidays to read it. Is that fine with you? I will try to read it from time to time but I'm so busy


@SaskiaHam9 No pressure! Take your time! I hope you get through all the work, by the way. Have nicer holidays next time, I guess!


Thank you for the reads and comment 
          Thats the type of read for read i wanted 
          Am glad I found someone honest and am going to try my best to correct all the error ,I also had a time I felt my story is too shallow but now am going to fix that 
          I appreciate it 


@Lulu_lately Hey, no problem, as the saying goes, honesty is the best policy! I want you to gain your highest potential!


Let me tell you a bit about my other allegorical short story. 
          It's about a baby born with a spider's body, snake fangs, monstrous eyes and overall look. For this, she is hunted down, called Satan's granddaughter, although, not her inherit fault. She was born in the result of radioactive activity, because of a chemist's experiments.
          For years, she lives in quiet alleys, hidden, in forsaken farms, until one day, she decides to free herself and go far away from these lands. 
          On the journey, soldiers find her and try to hunt her down with their dogs. Her bitten legs release tiny spiders, which spread and cover the bodies of the hunters and dogs, until they die.
          This gives confidence to the creature.
          She enters a forest. Not even animals accept her because of her ghastly look. As she goes further, she reaches a different part of the forest, where there are no animals, but poisonous, strange wild plants, yet, the creature feels comfortable in here. She creates her own spot somewhere inside a dirty pit and lives there for years. Her food becomes mushrooms and strange plants.
          One day, on her way to get food for herself, she finds a new pit. Thinking there are supposed to be no other creatures here beside her, she begins searching for another creature. Suddenly, a plant swallows her. Inside its mouth, she battles and tries to free herself, until she gets a blow on her head and gets saved by two twin witches. They adopt her and take her in their dirty hut. 
          She works there as a slave. A purple dog-like creature comes home, happily, but the witches beat it up and throw him out. The creature feels bad for him.


The protagonist creature represents the outcasts of society. The hunters and villagers - society. The witches' hut represent communities, which are toxic and unhealthy, but the outcasts find solace in, because they accept them and support them unconditionally, including their flaws, mistakes and advise them to continue their bad behavior. The purple creature represents another outcast, who's already a part of the abusive community. The village's children represent the new generation, learning from society. The chemist represents reality, while the tiny, poisonous spiders represent evilness, which are born from hate and pain, spreading through the whole world and taking over the essence of many, and at last, killing them.
            So, the outcast, who's hated and attacked on by society, finds solace in an abusive community, where other outcasts are, believing that toxic environment is what is the true meaning of healthiness, and gets involved in unrighteous acts, against society. The new generation learn from the old and copy the old, wrong ways. At last, from the hate and antagonism, darkness births and spreads around the world, killing people. Reality once again proves, that killing the ill will only breed more illness, the tiny spiders, while supporting wrongfulness unconditionally would breed a monster, and the only true way is healing the ill by teaching them and leading them to righteousness. Both extremes end with death. The story ends abruptly, with a quiet sign, saying "Well? Will you continue doing what you're doing and let this happen? It's in the process already! Or will you stop it by becoming a healer and not an extremist hater or unconditional accepter?". Choose your path wisely! Violence breeds more violence!


this message may be offensive
One day, as the purple creature liked to do, he was gone from home for a quite long time. This worries the creature. Since the witches had gone to get herbs, with the colorful potions spilled on the floor, she draws herself going to the forest, to let them know. She goes and searches for her friend, but reaches the village and yet, he's nowhere. As she goes further and further, she finds red, red, red...until her eyes meet the village children playing with the dead Transparent Present, celebrating with the adults. 
            This drives her crazy. While before, she believed in their innocence and kindness, now she only felt the need for blood. Immediately, she attacked on the villagers and killed many. The soldiers get called, and they bring the birthers of Satan's granddaughter with them, a woman and a man. The chemist was also with them, he was the woman's uncle.
            After the murderous spree, a man cuts the head of the creature with an axe, releasing tiny spiders, which, in turn, kill everyone and destroy the habitation of the village, then get spread around the world. In the process, the chemist shouts "I PROVED IT, THE ILLNESSES OF THE WORLD ARE FORGED BY SOCIETY!". The main message of this story is "Heal the ill, don't kill the ill. Violence breeds more violence".


@HeartlessStarGazer One day, on her way to get human eyes from the village, in order to do the witches' orders, she finds the pit again, with the creature inside it. She tries to touch him, but he doesn't let her. Instead, she goes and finds shrooms, then lays them in the now empty pit.
            Satan's granddaughter reaches the village and attacks on the humans, unafraid, because she trusts her little murderous spiders. Much to her surprise, the villagers use a different method. Instead of rifles, they trap her in a net. She tries to escape, but fails miserably. To her rescue comes the purple creature, which kills the humans just by touching them. With his sharp shark teeth, he destroys the net and saves Satan's granddaughter. They befriend. Together, they dig human eyes and take them to the witches, who get pleased and take in their purple pet back in. 
            On special days, these creatures would have rats, normally, bones and leftovers.
            The purple creature was named Transparent Present, because he liked disappearing for days, then returning, while Satan's granddaughter was called Animal Beast. 