
Hey Everyone!
          	I'm going to be perfectly honest- I kind of forgot all about this account, and the works on here (if you could even call them that). I was going through the depths of my email (a scary place) when I saw a comment on one of my stories, Cairn. I was wondering how much interest there was for a piece that I started ages ago, but I would be willing to continue if people wanted me to. So I guess this is hello? I am, indeed, still alive and kicking. I hope you're all doing well. Side note, if people have requests, for various fandoms, let me know and I'll see what I can do. 
          	       XOX, Hedgehog (back and now medicated for my adhd so hopefully more writing for you guys)


Hey Everyone!
          I'm going to be perfectly honest- I kind of forgot all about this account, and the works on here (if you could even call them that). I was going through the depths of my email (a scary place) when I saw a comment on one of my stories, Cairn. I was wondering how much interest there was for a piece that I started ages ago, but I would be willing to continue if people wanted me to. So I guess this is hello? I am, indeed, still alive and kicking. I hope you're all doing well. Side note, if people have requests, for various fandoms, let me know and I'll see what I can do. 
                 XOX, Hedgehog (back and now medicated for my adhd so hopefully more writing for you guys)


I know, I know I keep promising this, but I actually am writing something. I was supposed to post the start of this story Yesterday, but then my cousin came from Illinois, so I promise that by next Monday, it’ll be up. I’m actually sitting down to finish the rough draft of my first chapter right now. I’ll try to post the synopsis and title in a few hours. Thanks so much loves, and thanks for putting up with my crazy bad procrastination. Start getting excited!!
                  XOX, Hedgehog


So.....I’m actually not dead! 
          I haven’t been on Wattpad in like, 2 months, but I’m back, and I’m really going to try to write something for you guys, especially since it’s almost summer and then I’ll have virtually unlimited time to write. So, if anyone has any suggestions/requests let me know as always.
          Wow, I’m talking as if I think I have a ton of followers. I need to calm down.
          XOX Hedgehog


Hey guys. I woke up recently and I already have coffee in my system. I’m kind of in a writing rut (is that the word?) right now, so if anyone has any prompts or ideas please let me know cause I miss writing for you guys. Have a great day, guys 