
@ddgbooks wow thanks ha ha. I hope I get their too. Waiting for the call for Tate publishing agent....
          	Been two weeks and I sent her a small manuscript of my work since The Golden Apple isn't  not complete. 
          	Hopefully I get more feedback on here for my Novel~


"Never take anything for granted. Always go for your dreams even if it just the first step, Hold that fist full of courage close to your heart."
          Everyone has a dream, don't listen to people that are negative about your works. Don't quit because people bash you with what you need to fix. Everything happens for a REASON, it is to improve or better yourself as an Author. Never be negative about your work, take a leap of faith once in a while you never know who could be watching that could want to publish your work. 
          Always take one step up the latter, your goal really is closer than you think! 