
@iBeMagik XD Lol no problem. SPREAD THE FANDOM. I actually want to put up this profile pic as a poster at the Hoover Dam and see how much attention it gets lmao 


PLZ plz plz add more to split DNA I love the book so far and would love to read more pleeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEaaase update!!!
           But, I'm not a hater so don't feel obligated to I just really love it... Btw I love your idea and don't want you to feel pressured... Love ya!!!


I read your bio and you gave me goosebumps... I like you already, and I'm planning to start reading the Percy Jackson series as soon as I can afford the first book -_-


Haha thanks! And I can relate to being broke. Sadly. -3- especially around this time of year, it's terrible. But you really should reaD em! THEYRE AMAZING :D And thank you for the follow! 