
Attention Readers:
          	Today, Wattpad randomnly removed 2 short, G rated stories that I posted on here last fall claiming they were in 'violation of policy'.
          	I have appealed both of these bogus charges, obviously. But until I get an explanation and assurance that my stories aren't just going to be randomnly deleted on some bogus charge, I will as of now cease posting any new works as a protest.
          	I will continue to update my currently running multi chapter stories, and that will be it.
          	I have never be in violation of any of their policies, and I don't see why 2 G rated stories that are literally just about candy and a boyfriend trying and failing to get a gift for his girlfriend are suddenly 'in violation'!!


Attention Readers:
          Today, Wattpad randomnly removed 2 short, G rated stories that I posted on here last fall claiming they were in 'violation of policy'.
          I have appealed both of these bogus charges, obviously. But until I get an explanation and assurance that my stories aren't just going to be randomnly deleted on some bogus charge, I will as of now cease posting any new works as a protest.
          I will continue to update my currently running multi chapter stories, and that will be it.
          I have never be in violation of any of their policies, and I don't see why 2 G rated stories that are literally just about candy and a boyfriend trying and failing to get a gift for his girlfriend are suddenly 'in violation'!!


These days, based off whatever spoiler I see, I have more fun writing my NCIS LA stories then I do looking forward to the actual show. At least in my world, Hetty is always around instead of who knows where and no one feels too concerned enough to want to go to her aid (unlike in Season 9)


I'm going to be posting very little new stories this month (with the exception of updating a few fics), so I can write a bunch of stories for a few month long prompt events that I'll be doing for the next 2 months. In the mean time, feel free to catch up on any of my old stories if you want. :)


I miss Hetty so much.  And I really miss her and Callen's bond.  This Season has betrayed me in so many ways, and doing a bunch of rewrites to make it look like she's only seen him as a future spy instead of a human being who needed a family, hurts in so many ways.


You know what really stinks about how bad the writing has gotten? It's sometimes feeling that you're the only one whose legit concerned about Hetty instead of either not caring or thinking that she's just abandoning her team because she apparently doesn't care about them anymore.  Like, does anyone really think she deserved to have wedges driven between her and Callen? Does no one try to think about what she's probably been through on these missions? She's probably been through some very hellish situations! And she probably doesn't know how to ask for help, or she's too embarrassed.
          I think about Season 9 a lot these days. That entire half Season arc may have been very dark, but it showed just how much of a family this team is! They willingly risked their lives to save Hetty because they love her! Then at the end of that Season, she had to witness her team getting blown up. That would mess up anyone.
          I think she's been really hurting for a long time, and I'm not sure if she's choosing to do these missions, or if she's being forced to do them, but I'm sure she has a good reason for them.
          This is kind of why I'm driven to write fics trying to explain what has probably been up with her, and how I believe the team would most likely react. (A few of them are fully published on here!). Because there's gotta be 1 understanding fan who cares enough to not think the worst of Hetty based off of a few Seasons of no answers.
          (and thanks for listening to all of this)


Quick question: Are my stories great? I know that seems like an odd thing to ask considering I've clearly written a lot over the past 23 months for a lot of different fandoms. But sometimes I wonder if I'm really all that good at this. I'm not really the 'goes into a lot of detail' type, or the 'always writing these  really long chapters' type, and I sometimes wonder if I sound a bit too silly when I write goofy fluff pieces. I guess, I still feel a bit invisible to the fanfic world. Anyone ever feel like they're just invisible, despite writing a lot of stuff that they consider to be great that never seems to get a lot of attention? Well, I get what you're all feeling. And thanks to listening to this. (No, I'm not some kind of whiner whose begging for reviews.)


Aww, thanks. Everything that I'm posting now is just stuff that I've previously posted on FF.Net and A03, one day, I'll have them all here.


@HettyLanges ALL OF YOUR STORIES ARE GREAT! I would give some time in between books to let other people read them