
Hi, I’m not dead, guys, just busy. I‘m updating my stories and some are farther along than others, but they’re coming, so please be patient. Thank you guys for reading!


Ok so I have Lodestar, I've read Lodestar, I've cried because of Lodestar, and the past couple days have centered around Lodestar. 
          SO. Reading it has inspired my with my stories and so expect an update on them soon. Goodbye for now! 
          ~A heartbroken Author


So I don't know if you guys will see this or read this, but I gotta a question:
          Should I post the first chapter of my Original Story? Will my lovelies read it??? 
          I don't know, so if you could, oh maybe, reply to this and answer then that would be highly appreciated. 
          Thank you!


          Hello, my lovelies! I just wanted to let you know that I'll be starting an original story here on Wattpad and will try to keep up with it and finish it.  Exciting, I know
          So be on the lookout for that, and I hope you love it as much as I already do. Love you❤️