
logging into this account for the first time in forever so hello
          	to those that have been waiting or worried, i want to apologize for being away so long. in the time i’ve been gone i graduated high school and just finished my first year of college back in may :)
          	besides school, i’ve also been prioritizing my personal interests and mental health.
          	seeing as to how we’ve been in a pandemic for over a year now, i truly hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe.
          	as for this account and my works:
          	in all honesty my interest in creating stories here faded away over the years. i began writing wattpad stories back in middle school and watched as they started gaining attention in my early high school years. i remember excitingly telling my friends the day pitpbtbb (help it looks like a keyboard smash) was ranked top ten in teen fiction, something i never imagined happening. i’m truly forever grateful that my works have been read and enjoyed by many around the world.
          	as a nineteen year old, looking back at pieces written by 13 and 15 year old me feels so… like i don’t know it’s almost like i can remember the mindsets i was in when planning out each story. nostalgia maybe.
          	also side note my writing skills are wayyy better now like i’m such a good writer bro you can ask my writing professors
          	anyways, as much as i would love to continue where i left off with my current published but unfinished works, the motivation to write them just isn’t really there anymore. to be honest the urge to just completely rewrite specific ones (since i’m still quite emotionally attached to the story idea) is mostly what i’ve been feeling as i look over my stories.
          	+ [continued below]


Hey i just wanted to say how much of an impact the unloved one had on me- i can confidently say that i’ve never read something so genuinely beautiful or which i have consistently come back to in all my reading- this isn’t a beg to continue but i just wanted u to know how much i appreciate ur writing :) there will never be anything as pure as the nine chapters in that novel xx


@HollyOsgood Hi, i wanna start of by saying that I'm in love with your books!!!! But i understand that sometimes the writer can loose motivation to finish the books I hope you are well and I hope that you do great things in life thank you for writing the books that you have written there really warmed my heart with love and when do or if you don't decide to update again I'll still be reading your books because they are that good anyway bye


[+]  so honestly i don’t know what i’m gonna do. 
          	  this isn’t a goodbye or a “hey i’m back,” but more of a … peering through the window and wondering if i should walk inside. metaphorically speaking.
          	  might update with another post later or disappear (as i do have other matters going on in my life right now that i’m busy with), but with whatever happens i wanna thank you all for being here and for even trying to check up on me during my inactivity.
          	  loud reminder that you’re all very much loved.
          	  will be checking in on this app for a bit so if you have any questions you can ask them on my conversation board <3


Hey there so I wa going through so old books that I first started reading on Wattpad and saw your book Pushed into the pool by a bad boy was in my reading list and I had to reread it since I loved the book since it had so much comedy and yet romance that made me fall in love with it and I saw that you had a sequal to it but hasn't been updated but I would love to see it updated at some point in time since I loved the first book. 


I love your Pushed into the Pool by the Bad Boy it is literally my favorite book when I started reading on Wattpad and I saw that you had a sequal to it and was hoping that you would update it at some point but if your still on hiatus then take your time. I jaut wanted to say how I loved those two books of yours 


Did you take down some of books? I swear you had more, and I loved reading them, even if they were only 8 chapters and an info page <3


@HollyOsgood ah okay glad i got the chance to read them, you are so talented :)


ahh i actually did, but just the hiatus entertainments (i had two up). took a glance at them and didn’t feel too proud about the way it was written so i had them unpublished. thank you for enjoying them tho ):


logging into this account for the first time in forever so hello
          to those that have been waiting or worried, i want to apologize for being away so long. in the time i’ve been gone i graduated high school and just finished my first year of college back in may :)
          besides school, i’ve also been prioritizing my personal interests and mental health.
          seeing as to how we’ve been in a pandemic for over a year now, i truly hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe.
          as for this account and my works:
          in all honesty my interest in creating stories here faded away over the years. i began writing wattpad stories back in middle school and watched as they started gaining attention in my early high school years. i remember excitingly telling my friends the day pitpbtbb (help it looks like a keyboard smash) was ranked top ten in teen fiction, something i never imagined happening. i’m truly forever grateful that my works have been read and enjoyed by many around the world.
          as a nineteen year old, looking back at pieces written by 13 and 15 year old me feels so… like i don’t know it’s almost like i can remember the mindsets i was in when planning out each story. nostalgia maybe.
          also side note my writing skills are wayyy better now like i’m such a good writer bro you can ask my writing professors
          anyways, as much as i would love to continue where i left off with my current published but unfinished works, the motivation to write them just isn’t really there anymore. to be honest the urge to just completely rewrite specific ones (since i’m still quite emotionally attached to the story idea) is mostly what i’ve been feeling as i look over my stories.
          + [continued below]


Hey i just wanted to say how much of an impact the unloved one had on me- i can confidently say that i’ve never read something so genuinely beautiful or which i have consistently come back to in all my reading- this isn’t a beg to continue but i just wanted u to know how much i appreciate ur writing :) there will never be anything as pure as the nine chapters in that novel xx


@HollyOsgood Hi, i wanna start of by saying that I'm in love with your books!!!! But i understand that sometimes the writer can loose motivation to finish the books I hope you are well and I hope that you do great things in life thank you for writing the books that you have written there really warmed my heart with love and when do or if you don't decide to update again I'll still be reading your books because they are that good anyway bye


[+]  so honestly i don’t know what i’m gonna do. 
            this isn’t a goodbye or a “hey i’m back,” but more of a … peering through the window and wondering if i should walk inside. metaphorically speaking.
            might update with another post later or disappear (as i do have other matters going on in my life right now that i’m busy with), but with whatever happens i wanna thank you all for being here and for even trying to check up on me during my inactivity.
            loud reminder that you’re all very much loved.
            will be checking in on this app for a bit so if you have any questions you can ask them on my conversation board <3
